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RXTE Guest Observer Faciliity

RXTE Public Data RXTE

This query form allows XTE users to find out when proprietary data will go public. (Observations which were public from the start, e.g. 400, 700, or 800 series, are not included.) No entries are case sensitive, and all allow wildcard "*". See Caveats and tips below.

NOTE: "Date public" refers to the end of the proprietary period which, for technical reasons, is not the exact date it will be accessible to users through the archive. Data going public before 12:01 AM on Saturday of a given week should be accessible by the following Monday (start of business, US Eastern time) through anonymous ftp to and on Tuesday through Browse.

Enter any of the following parameters:

ObsId or Proposal number:
(e.g. "10037"
or "10037-01-03-00")
Date public:
Target name:
(e.g. "GRS 1915+105")
PI last name:
(e.g. "Swank")

Logic: AND OR

Caveats and tips:

  • The list is compiled with the target name as the PI specified it, and the search is not smart enough to match "cyg x-1" with the entry for "cygnus x-1", so try with all versions of the object name. (Check for the possible entries using Argus, which is more robust.)
  • Some observations have been sent more than once (e.g. reprocessed data.) In these cases, it is the earlier date which determines when the data go public.
  • Alternatively, you may examine the raw list itself; be warned that it is very large.

If you have a question about RXTE, please send email to one of our help desks.

This page is maintained by the RXTE GOF and was last modified on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007 16:37:54 EST.

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RXTE Project Scientist Jean Swank,
Responsible NASA Official: Phil Newman
Web Page Representive: Terri Shaffer

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