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Study of the relations between living plants and animals and their environment.
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Results 1 - 106 of 106 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Fire ecology research [New Window]
Study of wildland fire history and fire ecology such as plants in the Sierra Nevada forests, California shrublands, the Mojave, and Sonoran deserts to develop management techniques that will reduce hazards.
Grizzly bear and black bear ecology [New Window]
Summaries of research projects on black bear and grizzly ecology and ecosystems supporting the populations and bibliography of related publications.
Restoration Ecology for Southeast ecosystems [New Window]
Overview of research at the Restoration Ecology facility on sustainable restoration of South Florida's greater Everglades and coastal ecosystems. Includes links study of birds, snails, and alligators, ecological modeling, photos, and posters.
Wetlands Ecology Branch, National Wetlands Research Center [New Window]
Information on the NWRC Wetlands Ecology Branch, which conducts research related to sustainable management and restoration of the nation's coastal saltwater wetlands, freshwater wetlands, submerged aquatic ecosystems, and coastal prairie.
Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) [New Window]
Homepage of the Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) initiative programs supporting actions to remedy contaminations associated with hard rock mining. Includes data from the Upper Animas River and Boulder River, bibliography of reports, and pictures.
PDF Analyzing land use change in urban environments [New Window]
Describes the USGS Urban Dynamics Research Program that studies landscape changes resulting from the growth of metropolitan regions over time.
Assessing the impact of urban sprawl on soil resources in the United States using nighttime "city lights" satellite images and digital soils maps [New Window]
Paper from Land Use History of North America giving results of a study to estimate the extent of developed land in the United States and the impact of development on soil resources.
Assessing the impacts of climate variability and change on the Nation's resources [New Window]
Site for a USGS project under the U.S. Global Change Research Program for a national assessment of the impacts of climate variability and change on resources with links to impacts in Alaska, western U.S., public lands, and water resources.
Available products of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center [New Window]
Available publications and products, order form and product archives of the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
Bibliography of fire effects and related literature applicable to the ecosystems and species of Wisconsin [New Window]
The bibliography provides citations pertinent to the effects of fire and its prescribed use on the ecosystems and species of Wisconsin and the upper Midwest. Three separate subject indexes are provided: general, species, and geographic location.
Biocomplexity Thesaurus [New Window]
Browsable online access to the CSA/NBII Biocomplexity Thesaurus developed in 2002-2003 through a partnership between the NBII and CSA as a merger of five thesauri.
Biodiversity and land-use history of the Palouse bioregion: pre-European to present [New Window]
Study of the processes by which the conversion occurred of the Palouse bioregion from perennial native grass, shrub, and forest vegetation to agriculture and the interactions between human cultures and environment.
Biogeochemical and geohydrologic processes in a landfill-impacted alluvial aquifer, Norman, Oklahoma [New Window]
Discussion and links to research for the multi-disciplinary investigation on the Norman Landfill located on alluvium associated with the Canadian River in central Oklahoma.
Bird Conservation Node [New Window]
The Bird Conservation Node facilitates rapid access to North American bird population and habitat data maintained by a broad coalition of Federal, state, and non-governmental partners in conservation. Includes life history, range, and habitats.
Bird Point Count Database [New Window]
Perform custom searches for bird count and bird habitat data or enter your bird count and vegetation data.
PDF Born of fire: restoring sagebrush steppe [New Window]
USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center: fact sheet in Adobe PDF about the studies to restore sagebrush steppe
California Information Node (CAIN) [New Window]
California Information NODE (CAIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure collects data and information resources critical to the study of California's diverse ecosystems, with an initial emphasis on invasive species issues.
Central Southwest/Gulf Coast Information Node (CSWGCIN) [New Window]
Central Southwest/Gulf Coast Information Node (CSWGCIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) is a gateway to biological information on Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and the Gulf of Mexico Coast.
Changing patterns in the number of species in North American floras [New Window]
A chapter of the publication: Land Use History of North America on general patterns of plant species diversity in North America that shows how these patterns have changed over time.
Chesapeake Bay activities [New Window]
Information on USGS studies of Chesapeake Bay, the nation's largest estuary, concerned with water quality, ecosystem history and change, vital habitat and biological resources, and land use studies.
Classification of natural ponds and lakes in the glaciated prairie region [New Window]
Presents a wetland classification system that reflects seasonal, regional, and local variations in the environment.
Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States [New Window]
Detailed publication on the classification system for an inventory of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States used to describe ecological taxa and arrange them in a system useful to resource managers.
Coastal Prairie Research Program, National Wetlands Research Center [New Window]
Coverage of the Coastal Prairie Ecology Research (CPER) Team, National Wetlands Research Center, providing scientific information to aid the conservation, management, and restoration of ecosystems in the greater coastal prairie region.
Coastal habitats in Puget Sound [New Window]
Declines in fish and wildlife populations, water-quality issues, and changes in coastal habitats have prompted this USGS study of the region's nearshore life and environment. Includes links to data from published reports.
Construction and installation of dendrometer bands for periodic tree-growth measurements [New Window]
Use and function of dendrometer bands to make short-term repeated measurements of tree-stem growth. Photo illustrations of procedures and equipment.
Crater Lake Data Clearinghouse [New Window]
The Crater Lake Data Clearinghouse website is a gateway to information and data on Crater Lake with links to data downloads of bathymetry, maps and imagery, a fly-by movie, photos, and information on geology, maps, history, and biota.
Earthshots, satellite images of environmental change [New Window]
Satellite images of geographic areas of interest, cities, deserts, glaciers, geologic features, disaster areas, water bodies, and wildlife linked with articles, maps, and other images such as AVHRR, photographs, and special project images.
Ecological studies in the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program [New Window]
Description of cooperative ecological research associated with the National Water-Quality Assessment program with links to current projects, download data, publications, and publications on biological sampling, habitat and laboratory protocols.
PDF Effects of wastewater on forested wetlands [New Window]
Study of the effects of the practice of cycling municipal nutrient-enriched wastewater from holding ponds through forested wetlands. Studies were in the Cypiere Perdue Swamp, Louisiana, and the Drummond Bog, Wisconsin.
Environmental Affairs Program [New Window]
The USGS reviews and prepares technical comments on environmental impact statements and establishes policies to implement the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Site has links to environmental laws and regulations including NEPA.
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources [New Window]
The Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (FAR) node of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) provides access to fisheries and aquatic resources information via the Internet.
Florida Integrated Science Center - biological science poster presentations [New Window]
Poster presentations for Center for Aquatic Resource Studies projects related to Greater Everglades, marine and coral studies, ecotoxicology, manatees, coastal ecology, nonindigenous aquatic species, coastal ecology, freshwater fisheries, and herpetology.
Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center [New Window]
Home page of the Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Corvallis, providing research and technical support for ecosystem management in the western U.S. Links to projects, field stations, fact sheets, partnerships, and publications.
Fort Collins Science Center [New Window]
Homepage of the Fort Collins Science Center in Colorado with links to programs in ecological research programs, staff directory, products library, news and events, and research features and spotlights.
Forum on Wildlife Telemetry - Innovations, Evaluations, and Research Needs [New Window]
Papers from Forum on Wildlife Telemetry, Snowmass Village, CO, 1997 about innovations in transmitting and receiving systems, attachment techniques, collection of data using telemetry, data processing and analysis. Available as *.zip file to download.
From microbes to mammals - invasive species [New Window]
Articles from the July/August issue of People, Land & Water, the employee news magazine of the Dept. of the Interior, on lost natural resources, loss of biodiversity, and damage to our biological heritage by invasive plants, animals, and microbes.
Global change research: a focus on mountain ecosystems [New Window]
Overview of interdisciplinary research studies in Glacier National Park to understand how this mountain wilderness responds to present climatic variability and other external stressors, such as air pollution, and links to detailed reports.
Gulf of Mexico Estuaries Integrated Science Strategy [New Window]
A white paper describing a plan for USGS research in Gulf of Mexico estuaries, developed in 2001 using Tampa Bay as an example with links to program strategy and design.
Historical interrelationships between population settlement and farmland in the conterminous United States, 1790 to 1992 [New Window]
Chapter from Land Use History of the North America on the results of a study to understand the interactions of population growth, urbanization, and agricultural activity over time.
Hurricane Katrina photographs August 30, 2005 [New Window]
Photographic survey of the impacts of Hurricane Katrina on the barrier islands, barrier shoreline, and the Mississippi River Delta along the Louisiana coastline. Primary focus is on the ecosystems such as fish, rookeries, and seagrass beds.
Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) [New Window]
Description of research program for immediate and long-term management of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) inhabiting the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Includes links to reports in PDF format and cooperating organizations.
Invasive Species Information Node [New Window]
The Invasive Species Information Node (ISIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) creates a central repository for information pertaining to the identification, description, management, and control of invasive species.
Invasive species research [New Window]
Links to research projects that will improve the ability to detect, monitor, and predict the effects of invasive species, including exotic animals, on native ecosystems of the Pacific Southwest (California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona).
Land use history of North America (LUHNA) [New Window]
Report prepared with NASA on the importance of a historical context for understanding ongoing changes in land cover and land use in North America and the effect on the environment. Site contains primarily contents of a book edited by T.D. Sisk.
Landscape changes in the southwestern United States: techniques, long-term data sets, and trends [New Window]
This study illustrates some approaches for reconstructing landscape change.
Maps of the distribution and occurrence of ground water quality constituents and early 1970's land use in New Jersey [New Window]
Links to maps of New Jersey showing nitrate levels, pesticides, Total Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and radium in wells and land use of the 1970s.
Mountain Prairie Information Node (MPIN) [New Window]
The Mountain Prairie Information Node (MPIN) provides scientific information about natural resources on public lands in the Northern Rockies region, Greater Yellowstone ecosystem and Glacier National Park. Was the Northern Rockies Information Node.
NBII: National Biological Information Infrastructure [New Window]
Portal of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) with links to diverse biological databases, information products, and analytical tools contributed by NBII cooperating organizations and agencies.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program [New Window]
Primary homepage for the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program studying water quality in river, aquifer and coastal water basins throughout the nation. Links to reports, data, models, maps and national synthesis studies.
National Wetlands Research Center [New Window]
Homepage for the National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette, Louisiana with links to general information, staff, issues and capabilities, library, publications and data.
National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC) publications and research products [New Window]
List of National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette, Louisiana publications.
Natural and human drivers of biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem [New Window]
This study reconstructs past interactions among ecosystem factors, native species, and human land use in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem to provide a context for future management to sustain both ecological and human communities.
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center [New Window]
Homepage for the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND, with links to announcements, science prgorams, biological resources finder, publications search option, contacts, and answers to common questions about the Center
Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center [New Window]
Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NRMSC) based at Bozeman, Montana conducts research to help natural resources management in the Northern Rocky Mountains with field stations at West Glacier and Missoula. Links to staff, programs, and partners.
Northern prairie biological resources [New Window]
Retrieval system to locate websites on publications and compilations on biological resources. Searches can be made by type, such as checklists, distribution, and regional overviews, by taxon, and by geography, including global, U.S., and Canada.
Nutrient dynamics and biochemical cycling [New Window]
Briefly describes research efforts to better understand nutrient dynamics and biogeochemical cycling in ecosystems and how these properties are altered by large-scale human activities.
Osage-Skiatook Petroleum Environmental Research Project, Lake Skiatook, Osage County, Oklahoma [New Window]
Study of the effects on the environment of hydrocarbons and produced water (brines) at Skiatook Lake, Osage Reservation, Oklahoma, with links to maps, photos, and data.
PDF Ospreys in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest [New Window]
Fact sheet in Adobe PDF about ospreys in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest
Our dynamic desert landscape [New Window]
Overview of studies of fragile and active landscape of the American Southwest deserts, including projects on geologic mapping, surface processes, remote sensing research, ecological processes, and earthquake hazard applications.
Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) [New Window]
Pacific Basin Information Node provides access to studies of biological resources associated with the Pacific Basin including tropical and subtropical islands and the surrounding marine environment.
Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center [New Window]
Geographical isolation of the Hawaiian Islands has resulted in the evolution of endemic species unique in the world. Research at the Center aims at preventing the further extinction of these species. Links to projects, publications and other data.
Pacific Northwest Information Node [New Window]
Pacific Northwest Information Node is a regional information network of the National Biological Information Infrastructure intended to provide access to information and services relevant to forest resources in the Pacific Northwest.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center: Populations [New Window]
Descriptions of projects and resources on wildlife population ecology at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center with links to research activities, long-term programs, and resources and references.
Patuxent's effects of ecological processes and human impacts on biological resources--invasive species [New Window]
List and brief abstracts on research projects on invasive species, the ecology of introduced species, and developing management strategies at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
Pautuxent Wildlife Research Center - Wetlands and other communities [New Window]
List and brief abstracts on projects at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center researching wetland ecology and ecosystem management in Eastern United States.
Polar Bear research at the Alaska Science Center [New Window]
Ecological studies of polar bears including population dynamics, dependence on sea ice, and tracking methods.
Pollinators [New Window]
News and references about domesticated and wild bees, butterflies, moths, birds, bats and other animals that play a crucial role in the pollination of flowering plants.
Post-fire burn assessment by remote sensing on Federal lands [New Window]
Remote sensing and field sampling techniques to support national assessment of burned areas
Potential effects of anthropogenic greenhouse gases on avian habitats and populations in the Northern Great Plains [New Window]
Report on effects of the increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide on plants and animals, especially birds, in the Great Plains including effects of carbon dioxide fertilization, ultraviolet radiation, climate change, and harmful effects on bird habitats.
Presettlement and contemporary vegetation patterns along two navigation reaches of the Upper Mississippi River [New Window]
Study to reconstruct presettlement vegetation patterns along two navigation reaches of the Upper Mississippi.
Priority ecosystem studies initiative [New Window]
Description of the priority ecosystems studies initiative with links to projects in Chesapeake Bay, Greater Yellowstone, Mojave Desert, Platte River, Salton Sea, San Francisco, and south Florida.
Recoverability and vulnerability of desert ecosystems [New Window]
Research results (publications, photographs, maps) on ecological processes within the Mojave Desert Ecosystem to provide land managers with scientific understanding and tools needed to conserve and restore threatened desert landscapes.
PDF Relations among geology, physiography, land use, and stream habitat conditions in the Buffalo and Current River systems, Missouri and Arkansas [New Window]
Restoration Technologies Branch, Leetown Science Center [New Window]
The Restoration Technologies Branch (RT) responds to client needs for bioengineering research/technical assistance in reducing pollution. Current projects are on hydropower generation, control of exotic species, and acid mine drainage.
River corridor habitat dynamics, Lower Missouri River [New Window]
Detailed description of The Lower Missouri River Corridor Habitat Dynamics Project studying river habitat in a heavily engineered river.
River inventory and monitoring [New Window]
Links to science programs on upper Midwest river inventory and monitoring with links to databases on macroinvertebrates, fisheries, vegetation, water quality, bathymetry, floodplain forest, wildlife, sediment, contaminants and nutrients.
PDF SAGEMAP: a web-based spatial dataset for sage grouse and sagebrush steppe management in the Intermountain West [New Window]
Links to fact sheet describing the database of spatial information on sage grouse and sagebrush habitats.
San Francisco Bay change detection and mapping: use of Landsat Thematic Mapper Multitemporal images to detect and map changes in the San Francisco Bay area [New Window]
Remote sensing images of San Francisco Bay and Delta region.
Savanna restoration bibliography [New Window]
A searchable, living bibliography on the subject of savannas and their restoration.
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) [New Window]
Portal of the South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) system providing multiple links to projects, products, information, and data for research, decision-making, and resource management of the South Florida ecosystem restoration effort.
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) data exchange [New Window]
Provides links to the data, models and maps on the biology, ecology, geology, mapping, hydrology, and chemistry of research studies in southern Florida.
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) projects by region [New Window]
Listing of South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) projects by region
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) publications [New Window]
A variety of publications including fact sheets, open file reports, circulars, and posters, are available on the South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) site.
South Florida Restoration Science Forum [New Window]
Discussions and posters about agriculture, ecology, hydrology, ecosystems, and resource management efforts in south Florida.
South Florida Restoration Science Forum: Invasive exotic species [New Window]
Posters on the distribution and control of nonindigenous species introduced into southern Florida.
South Florida Virtual Tour [New Window]
A pictorial overview for general audiences of key landscapes and ecosystems in South Florida; includes extensive references and links to past and current research activities relating to the South Florida ecosystem restoration effort.
Southern Appalachian Information Node (SAIN) [New Window]
Gateway to southern Appalachian biological information with links to virtual area tours, species, data and models, partners, air and water quality, maps, invasive species, wild boar control, species identification, and news items.
Southwest Information Node (SWIN) [New Window]
The Southwest Information Node of the National Biological Information Structure (NBII) provides links to research data, maps, and information on public lands including plant and animal natural resources, ecosystems, and invasive species.
Status and trends of biological resources [New Window]
Description of the Status and Trends program, which monitors the abundance, distribution, productivity, and health of the Nation's living resources, detecting and evaluating changes in these variables over time.
PDF Summary and analysis of the U.S. government bat banding program [New Window]
Analysis of the program with a detailed study of the best collection of data available from it. Includes recommendations for future studies of bats.
Terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems program [New Window]
Program studies focus on understanding the factors which control ecosystem structure, function, condition, and the provision of goods and services.
The Baltimore-Washington Regional Collaboratory Land-Use History Research Program [New Window]
A description of research activities of the Baltimore-Washington Regional Collaboratory urban growth in the Chesapeake region.
The South Florida environment-- a region under stress [New Window]
This report serves as an environmental review and framework for developing USGS programs in the south Florida ecosystem, especially the Everglades and its watershed, and stresses the critical role of water in natural and human environment.
The U.S. Geological Survey and the Chesapeake Bay - the role of science in environmental restoration [New Window]
Summary of a circular on USGS environmental research and Chesapeake Bay with links to full document. Includes discussion of the problems of the estuary, restoration efforts, water quality, and effects on ecosystem.
PDF Two decades of research at Crater Lake [New Window]
Research brief for resource managers on the ecology of Crater Lake.
Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center (UMESC) [New Window]
Homepage for Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, with links to data library, geographical search, science programs, partnerships, long-term resource monitoring program, reports and publications, and education.
Use of remote sensing to study and monitor wetland restoration at the Sonoma Baylands in San Francisco Bay [New Window]
Digital satellite images, digitized aerial photographs, and ground-based digital camera photographs monitoring the changes in wetland restoration.
Use of remotely sensed image data to automatically map wind erosion vulnerability (eolian mapping) and rainfall mapping [New Window]
Links to remote sensing images monitoring wind erosion and rainfall in Arizona.
Using remote sensing to detect active dust storms and map areas vulnerable to eolian erosion [New Window]
Links to remote sensing images monitoring dust storms and wind erosion.
Water resources of Washington State - projects/studies [New Window]
List of links to USGS research and studies on the water resources of Washington, which can be searched by subject, basin and county.
Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) [New Window]
Links to research at the field stations of the Western Ecological Research Center with direct links to web pages for wildlife videos, satellite telemetry, fire ecology, invasive species, herpetology field guide, and coastal ecosystems.
Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) - outreach [New Window]
Links to highlights, news releases, and fact sheets about Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) research and activities; brief summaries of published research; you can see and listen online as WERC scientists discuss their studies.
Western Ecological Research Center products [New Window]
Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) publications and products search web page. Any products, which are available to download, appear as links. The links may be *.html, *.zip, *.pdf files or other file types.
Wetland restoration bibliography [New Window]
This bibliography is intended to provide scientists, managers, educational institutions (or students), and policy-makers with online access to current information on wetland restoration.
Wildland fire managers site [New Window]
Site with GIS maps of western wildfire areas with some access limited to wildland fire managers.
Wildland fire research [New Window]
Thematic descriptions of research to meet the varied needs of the fire management community and to understand the role of fire in the landscape including fire management support, studies of postfire effects, and fire history and ecology.

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