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Panoply netCDF, HDF and GRIB Data Viewer

panoply \PAN-uh-plee\, noun: 1. A splendid or impressive array. ...

The current version of Panoply is 2.8.2, released 2009-07-22.

Panoply is a Java application which plots geo-gridded arrays from netCDF, HDF and GRIB datasets. You can:

  • Slice and plot specific latitude-longitude, latitude-vertical, or time-latitude arrays from larger multidimensional variables.
  • Combine two arrays in one plot by differencing, summing or averaging.
  • Plot lon-lat data on a global or regional map (using any of over 75 map projections) or make a zonal average lineplot.
  • Overlay continent outlines or masks on lon-lat plots.
  • Use any CPT, GGR, PAL, or ACT color table for scale colorbar.
  • Save plots to disk in GIF, PDF, PNG or PS form.
  • Export lon-lat map plots in KMZ format.

Screenshot of sample Panoply windows

To be plotted by Panoply, dataset variables must be tagged with metadata information using a convention such as CF.

Panoply requires that your computer have a Java 5 runtime environment, or better, installed.

Download Panoply

Documentation and Credits


If you wish to be notified when new versions of Panoply are released, if you would like to report a bug, or if you would like to become a Panoply beta tester, please contact the author, Dr. Robert B. Schmunk.

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  • Panoply netCDF Viewer
  • G.Projector Map Maker
  • Mars24 Sunclock

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