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ROSAT Guest Observer Facility


The ROSAT RESULTS ARCHIVE (RRA) is a public archive that contains the source detections in all the released ROSAT High Resolution Imager (HRI) and Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) pointed observations. This archive includes screened source data from 5399 HRI observations, 5182 unfiltered PSPC observations, and 258 filtered PSPC observations. The primary source parameters from the Standard Analysis Software System (SASS) have been quality checked, both by automatic algorithms and by visual inspection of each field. The RRA is based on, and is part of, the ROSAT Data Archive (RDA). Whereas the current ROSAT archives contain most of the results from SASS processing of the pointed observations, the RRA adds the detected source parameters which were previously available only to the Principal Investigator (PI) along with the newly generated quality flags.

The ROSAT Results Archive was produced by the five participating ROSAT institutions: Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), Leicester University (LU), and the Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (AIP).

Now Available:

  • The ROSAT Results Archive catalogue of HRI sources (ROSHRI)

  • The ROSAT Results Archive of PSPC sources (ROSPSPC)

Introduction to the ROSAT Results Archive

Technical Details

Other documents (Local Access only)

Other RRA Sites

Go to the ROSAT Guest Observer Facility at GSFC
Page author: Michael F. Corcoran
Last updated: Monday, 05-Apr-2004 16:38:49 EDT.