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Red Flag Claim 4

Block the absorption of fat or calories, and lose substantial weight.

Reality Check

No fat blocker can block enough fat or calories to cause lots of weight loss. Even legitimate fat blockers must be used with a reduced-calorie diet to work.


  • “Lose up to two pounds daily…Apple Pectin is an energized enzyme that can ingest up to 900 times its own weight in fat. That’s why it’s a fantastic FAT BLOCKER.”

  • “Brindall berries cause very rapid and substantial weight loss by reducing fat absorption by 76%.”

  • “Super Fat-Fighting Formula guarantees rapid weight loss. Shortly after ingesting small amounts of the component, it dissolves into a gel that absorbs and surrounds excess fat and calories, preventing them from forming body fat.”

  • “This product blocks fat before your body absorbs it; the pounds will melt away effortlessly.”

  • “The Super Fat-Fighting Formula inhibits fats, sugars and starches from being absorbed in the intestines and turning into excess weight, so that you can lose pounds and inches easily.”

  • “Mulletwood is an ‘all-natural ingredient’ designed to attract and absorb excess calories and transport them out of your system. Watch the weight come off your body.”

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