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Red Flag Claim 1

Lose two pounds or more per week (for a month or more) without dieting or exercise.

Reality Check

Meaningful weight loss requires consuming fewer calories and/or increasing exercise. Ads that promise substantial weight loss without diet or exercise are false. A claim is false if it states or implies that users can lose lots of weight fast without changing their lifestyles, even if the ad doesn’t mention specific amounts of weight loss or time periods.


  • The four measurements used in weight loss ads are pounds, dress size, inches and body fat, any one of which can be used to convey the message of substantial weight loss.

  • “Today, there exists a safe, all-natural, bio-active weight loss compound so powerful, so effective, so relentless in its awesome attack on bulging, fatty deposits that it has virtually eliminated the need to diet.” [Next to, before and after pictures with quote, “I lost 36 pounds in 5 weeks.”]

  • “I lost 30 pounds in 30 days even though I ate all my favorite foods.”

  • “Lose up to 2 pounds daily without diet or exercise.”

  • “I lost 15 pounds in 30 days without having to change my eating habits or lifestyle in any way. See results fast without back-breaking exercise.”

  • “Go from a size 12 to a size 6; lose inches QUICKLY, and do absolutely nothing but take this pill.”

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