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RXTE Guest Observer Faciliity

Current Cycle 13 Long-term Timeline RXTE

The most recent RXTE Cycle 13 long-term timeline is available via anonymous FTP to in the file xte/timelines/cycle13_longterm.timeline. As RXTE scheduling is often changed to accommodate TOOs, please also consult the short-term timelines which are generated weekly. A rough rule of thumb is that any given short-term timeline will contain about half the targets from the corresponding week in the long-term timeline.

Please email xteplan if you have questions about the scheduling of your observation.

If you have a question about RXTE, please send email to one of our help desks.

This page is maintained by the RXTE GOF and was last modified on Friday, 17-Oct-2008 11:25:34 EDT.

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RXTE Project Scientist Jean Swank,
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Web Page Representive: Terri Shaffer

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