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The acquisition of ocean remote-sensing data has required pioneering and inventive effort in sensor engineering. As remote-sensing technology matured, the specifications required to improve the quality of remote-sensing data became an increasing challenge. This dedicated effort resulted in the construction of sophisticated instruments which have provided crucial data for understanding the oceanic realm. These pages provide a description of the instruments which provided Oceans data for archive and distribution by the GES DISC.  

Ocean color data from these instruments is now available from the Ocean Biology Processing Group.  MODIS sea surface temperature data is currently available from the GES DISC (November 2005).   In 2006, MODIS SST data will be processed by the OBPG, with the archive and distribution functions undertaken by the JPL Physical Oceanography DAAC (PODAAC).

Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)

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  • Last updated: March 24, 2008 21:28:01 GMT