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What is Mirador?

Mirador is a simplified interface for searching, browsing, and ordering Earth science data at NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). Mirador is designed to be fast and easy to learn.

How can I retrieve data?

Retrieving data is simple using Mirador. Type in the search parameters describing the data you want, add it to the cart, then checkout. You will be able to download your data using several different methods.

What do I search for?

Mirador is a tool used to search for Earth science data. You can search for anything from an instrument or satellite name, to the names of measurements you are looking for (i.e. Calibrated Radiances).

Is Mirador data free?

Yes. The data is archived at NASA's Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC).

Do I need to register?

No. All of the data at NASA's Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) is online and available for immediate FTP download.

How do I subset data?

Several, but not all of the data sets available through Mirador may be subsetted spatially, by parameter, by channel, or by variable. The particular type of subsetting that can be performed varies according to the data set. When files from any data set that can be subsetted are chosen to be added to the Mirador shopping cart, a subsetting service for that data set can be selected from a page displaying the Available Services for each data set. Once you choose a subsetting service and select "Continue to Shopping Cart", those files added to the shopping cart will be subsetted when you download them, either individually from the Shopping Cart page, or in bulk when you checkout.

How do I convert data to NetCDF?

Several, but not all of the collections available through Mirador may be converted to NetCDF. When files from any data set that can be converted to NetCDF are chosen to be added to the Mirador shopping cart, a Convert to NetCDF service for that data set can be selected from a page displaying the Available Services for each data set. Once you choose "Convert to NetCDF" and select "Continue to Shopping Cart", those files added to the shopping cart will be converted when you download them, either individually from the Shopping Cart page, or in bulk when you checkout.

How do I find data which coincide with hurricanes?

On either the Mirador homepage, or at the top of any subsequent pages, is a form containing a field for Events. Many different kinds of events can be entered there, such as hurricanes, typhoons, storms, ozone, and aerosols. Hurricane data is constantly being added to the database so there is no way as yet to view a list of what hurricane data is in Mirador. So just enter a hurricane name of your choice in the event field, such as Bud, Katrina, Yagi, Yutu, Ewiniar, Ioke, John, Florence... Place a physical parameter or collection description in the keyword field. You may also limit the search by placing a time constraint in the time span fields. Results will come back that are constrained by the event you entered. Also, a 'Did You Mean' box is offered to allow you to narrow the results even more, perhaps by specifying the intensity of the event (hurricane and typhoon positions are recorded as they pass through various levels, such as tropical depression, tropical storm, category 1, category 2, etc).

How do I download related data products?

To download AIRS LEVEL 1B related data products together, put AIRS L1B in the keyword field.

To download AIRS LEVEL 2 related data products together, put AIRS L2 in the keyword field.

To download AIRS LEVEL 3 related data products together, put AIRS L3 in the keyword field.

To download AIRS LEVEL 3 monthly related data products together, put AIRS monthly in the keyword field.

To download AIRS LEVEL 3 5 day products together, put AIRS pentad in the keyword field.

To download AIRS LEVEL 3 8 day products together, put AIRS 8 day in the keyword field.

How do I download data over Aeronet stations?

Enter Aeronet Station into the location field and Mirador will give you a sampling of Aeronet stations. To find data over a particular station, such as China_Lake, enter china_lake station in the location field.


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  • Last updated: February 18, 2009 15:47:00 GMT