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Questions and comments concerning the GRACE Science Data Products should be directed to

Data Products and Access
  • Level-2 Data Products
    Mean monthly estimates of spherical harmonic coefficients for the Earth gravitational potential.
  • Level-1B Data Products
    Contain inter-satellite range variations and other science data, including all corrections, necessary to derive monthly time-variations in the Earth's gravity field. The data are correctly time-tagged, and the data sample rate is reduced from the high rate data of previous levels.


Validation Data Products

Level 2 JPL validation fields


Level 1B Data Products

Level 1B Data Access


Level 1 Read Software

After downloading the file, the software and test data are extracted from this file in the following way:

    gunzip GraceReadSW_L1_2008-03-20.tar.gz
    tar -xvf GraceReadSW_L1_2008-03-20.tar

After this you will find the directory RELEASE_2008-03-20.

Follow the instructions in the RELEASE_2008-03-20/README for completing the installation and testing of the software.

Questions and comments concerning the GRACE Level 1B read software should be directed to

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California Institute of Technology (NASA/JPL PO.DAAC)

Privacy Policy and Important Notices
Site Manager: Chris Finch

. Physical Oceanography DAAC