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HEASARC: Software


Download the HEASOFT Software

Current version 6.6.2 Release Notes

Before downloading:

All the HEASOFT tasks may now be run remotely using the Hera data analysis service at the HEASARC without having to first install the software locally. This provides a quick way to try out the software and is ideal for users who have limited or infrequent need to run the HEASOFT tasks. More intensive users of HEASOFT are still encouraged to install the software locally for best performance. Learn more about using Hera.

Please visit the HEAsoft Supported Platforms page for current information about supported operating systems and compilers.

For a list of known bugs in the latest release, visit the HEAsoft Bug List page.

The unpackaged size of the downloaded software will vary depending on the packages you select and - if you choose a binary distribution - the architecture selected. The full source code distribution is roughly 600 Mb. Complete binary distribution sizes are approximately: Linux PC (600 Mb), Linux PC 64-bit (800 Mb), Mac PPC Darwin (800 Mb), Mac Intel Darwin (800 Mb), Solaris (1 Gb), and Cygwin (900 Mb). Individual binary packages range in size from only a few Mb to around 200 Mb for the Xspec distributions, as the Xspec distributions include a number of large data files required to run Xspec. The APEC NEI data files (which are only needed by users running APEC NEI models) are packaged separately (see below).

If large file sizes present problems for your connection, it is possible to download the packages you want separately and unpack the tar files on top of each other afterwards, though you must be careful to either rename each tar file with a temporary name during the process or unpack each file immediately upon downloading so that one tar file isn't overwritten by the next.

STEP 1 - Select the type of software:

- Recommended (why?).  Also, required for users who wish to include XSPEC local models.

OR a pre-compiled binary distribution (IMPORTANT Note About Perl Libraries):

(Note For Cygwin users)

*  Please note that under Cygwin, the Suzaku and FV packages are not currently supported.

STEP 2 - Download the desired packages:

Selecting an individual mission package will automatically select a set of recommended general-use tools.


Please click SUBMIT only once, and be patient while a tar file containing your selections is downloaded.

* HEASOFT 6.6.2 includes Xspec v12.5.0ac and Xspec v11.3.2ag.
* Please see the Xspec v12 issues web page to apply the latest patches after building Xspec v12x.

STEP 3 - Install the software:

  • If you plan to build HEAsoft from the source code distribution, please visit the HEAsoft Supported Platforms page for current information about supported operating systems and compilers, before attempting to compile HEAsoft.


    Prior to building HEAsoft, all users should make sure that they have included the X11 Development libraries (X11 SDK, or the fink package "x11-dev" on Mac OS X, x-dev/libx11-dev/libxt-dev using the "sudo apt-get" install method on Linux) as part of their X11 installation.

    For Mac OS X users, X11 SDK is included in the "packages" folder of Apple's XCode developer tools, which should be on your Mac OS X CD distribution. If not, it's available from the Apple XCode website

    Mac OS 10.3.x (Panther):

    Users of Mac OS 10.3.x (Panther) trying to build a source code distribution from a download that includes either ASCA, Suzaku, Swift, and/or Xspec 12 may need to apply this patch in order for the makefilter and xspec v12 tasks to compile correctly.

  • Un-gzip and un-tar the file created for you (either heasoft6.6.2src.tar.gz or heasoft6.6.2<platform>.tar.gz depending on which type of distribution you selected) in a clean directory and follow the instructions in the HEASOFT-INSTALL document to complete the installation of the software (this file is also included in the download).

  • Visit the known bugs page to learn of any problems identified after HEAsoft 6.6.2 was released.

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Web page maintained by Bryan K. Irby

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Last modified: Monday, 06-Apr-2009 14:27:45 EDT