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National Virtual Observatory
Data Discovery with the NVO
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The NVO Data Discovery tools enable you to find and query datasets throughout the Virtual Observatory, to examine data of interactively through your web browser, and to retrieve catalogs and data for local analysis. You can begin your investigation at one of several starting points depending on what information you already have in hand: types of objects or phenomena (Registry), a specific list of objects or positions on the sky (Inventory, VIM), or a particular object or position (DataScope, Simple Query). Tabular data can be converted to VO-friendly formats with the Table Converter, and data discovery and retrieval services can be invoked and built into scripts with the VOClient command line interface.


Find data collections and catalogs by searching their descriptions [Registry]

Query catalogs and collections by position [Simple Query]

Count matches between catalog entries and given positions [Inventory]

Integrate data from multiple positions and datasets [VIM]

Collect all data at a given position [DataScope]

Query the VO from the command line [VOClient]

Generic Tools:

View, sort and filter tables [Table Viewer]

Convert tables to standard VO formats [Table Converter]

For information on how to get started, try our help page.