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Idaho Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review
April 1, 2003 through September 30, 2003


The Region X Administration for Children and Families (ACF) conducted a primary review of the State of Idaho's Title IV-E program in Boise, Idaho, from June 7 through June 10, 2004. A team of six ACF Region X staff, one ACF Central Office staff and four Idaho staff participated in the onsite review.

The purpose of the Title IV-E foster care eligibility review was: (1) to determine if Idaho was in compliance with the child and provider eligibility requirements as outlined in 45 CFR 1356.71 and Section 472 of the Social Security Act, and (2) to validate the basis of Idaho's financial claims to ensure that appropriate payments were made on behalf of eligible children and to eligible homes and institutions.

Scope of the Review

The Idaho Title IV-E foster care review encompassed a sample of all of the Title IV-E foster care cases that received a foster care maintenance payment during the period of April 1, 2003 through September 30, 2003, the Period under Review (PUR). A statistical sample of 80 cases was drawn from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) for the PUR. The child's file was reviewed for the determination of Title IV-E eligibility and the provider's file was reviewed to ensure that the foster home or child care institution in which the child was placed was fully licensed or approved for the PUR.

Of the 80 cases reviewed, seventy six (76) cases were determined eligible for Title IV-E and four (4) cases were determined to be in error for all or part of the PUR. Since the number of error cases was no more than four (4), the ACF has determined Idaho to be in substantial compliance for this primary review.

Case Record Summary

Below is a summary of the findings for the cases determined to be in error:


In the Title IV-E cases reviewed, the following strengths were noted:

Areas in Need of Improvement

In the Title IV-E cases reviewed, the following areas needing improvement were noted:

Payment Issues

Maintenance Payment Definition: The IVE Maintenance Payment definition at Section 475 (4) of the Social Security Act is defined as "…payments to cover the cost of (and the cost of providing) food, clothing, shelter, daily supervision, school supplies, a child's personal incidentals, liability insurance with respect to a child, and reasonable travel to the child's home for visitation….".

The maintenance payment definition in the Idaho Administrative Code (IDAPA 16.06.01) includes the following items:

The maintenance payment definition in IDAPA does not include the following item:

Miscellaneous Ineligible Payments

The review identified the following miscellaneous ineligible payments:


Based on the results of the review, the State of Idaho has been determined to be in substantial compliance as only four cases were determined ineligible for funding under Title IV-E foster care.

The disallowed payments associated with the error cases and the ineligible payments were calculated as indicated on the following chart. Ineligible payments associated with the cases reflect all periods of ineligibility through the service period ended September 30, 2003. All service periods after September 30, 2003 must be removed from the IVE claims.

Summary of Ineligible Payments Attachment A
blank cell
blank cell FFY 97 FFY 98 FFY 99 FFY 00 FFY 01 FFY 02 FFY 03 FFY 04 Total Source
blank cell
Summary of Ineligible Maintenance Payments:           Attach. B
Sample #9 blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell 1,362.10 3,984.40 blank cell 5,346.50 blank cell
Sample #10 blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell 108.33 108.33 blank cell
Sample #36 blank cell 6,096.73 11,746.35 8,866.09 blank cell 1,703.18 4,468.42 blank cell 32,880.77 blank cell
Sample #75 blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell 1,047.00 336.00 1,383.00 blank cell
blank cell
Total blank cell 6096.73 11,746.35 8,866.09 3,065.28 9,499.82 444.33 39,718.60 blank cell
FMAP blank cell 69.59% 69.85% 70.15% 70.76% 71.02% 70.96% 70.46% blank cell blank cell
blank cell
FFP blank cell 4,242.71 8,204.83 6,219.56 2,176.06 6,741.07 313.07 27,808.21 blank cell
blank cell
Summary of Ineligible Administration         Attach. C
Sample #9 blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell 1,726 3,524 blank cell 5,252 blank cell
Sample #10 blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell 4 blank cell 4 blank cell
Sample #36 4 3,112 3,191 3,303 3,412 3,446 3,524 blank cell 19,982 blank cell
Sample #75 blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell 1,175 blank cell 1,175 blank cell
blank cell
Total FFP 4 3,112 3,181 3,303 3,412 5,174 8,226 blank cell 26,412 blank cell
blank cell
Summary of Ineligible Miscellaneous Payments       Attach. D
Total blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell 1,233.06 blank cell 1,233.06 blank cell
FMAP blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell 70.96% blank cell blank cell blank cell
blank cell
Total FFP blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell blank cell 874.98 blank cell 874.98 blank cell
blank cell
Grand total FFP 4 7,355 11,386 9,522 3,412 7,351 15,842 313 55,185 blank cell