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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

State of Florida
Title IV-E Program Improvement Plan [PIP]

Area in need of improvement Program Improvement Goal Action steps required for improvement Projected completion date How will progress on the plan be evaluated and reported? Comments
1. Valid removal of the child from the home All title IV-E foster care eligibility determinations will be based on the identification of the correct removal home 1. Review and amend C. 39, F.S., if appropriate, following legal review of current law regarding the Department's placement and care responsibilities when temporary custody is given to the relative.

2. Clarify removal home policy in operating procedure, CFOP 175-71, Section 3-6, and update existing training materials based upon legal review.

3. Provide technical assistance/training on removals as appropriate to Child Welfare Legal Services attorneys, eligibility staff, and Protective Investigators who draft removal petitions.

4. Review specifications on placement history for Florida's Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS), (Florida's Safe Families Network) , make needed changes to make sure Placement History for the child is accurate.
May 2008

October 2007

November 2007

March 2008
The Office of Family Safety will provide quarterly reports with brief descriptions of progress toward completion of each task and, where appropriate, the end product(s). 1. Legal opinion requested on 6/29/07.
Area in need of improvement Program Improvement Goal Action steps required for improvement Projected completion date How will progress on the plan be evaluated and reported? Comments
2. Judicial determination of contrary to the welfare All first court orders removing a child from the home will include a judicial determination whether it is contrary to the welfare of the child to remain in the removal home and include the basis upon which the findings were made 1. Collaborate with the state court system to collect sample removal/shelter court orders from all the judicial circuits and to assess whether these orders address federal requirement for findings at the removal or the first court hearing.

2. Collaborate with the state court system to modify model language on contrary to the welfare requirement.

3. Collaborate with the state court system to develop and deliver technical assistance/training that will help the court, Department, and contracted providers understand contrary to the child welfare. This training will be mandatory for Child Welfare Legal Services and Protective Investigators who draft removal petitions
October 2007

December 2007

February 2008
The Office of Family Safety will provide quarterly reports with brief descriptions of progress toward completion of each task and, where appropriate, the end product(s).  
Area in need of improvement Program Improvement Goal Action steps required for improvement Projected completion date How will progress on the plan be evaluated and reported? Comments
3. Documentation of AFDC eligibility requirement regarding financial need Eligibility Forms for title IV-E foster care determination (CF-ES 2626A) and re-determination (CF-ES 2694) will be fully completed and will include the AFDC two step process for financial need. 1. Revise the Child in Care Medicaid and Title IV-E Application form (CF-ES 2626A) and include the AFDC two step process for financial need.

2. Develop and issue job aids on the determining financial need.

3. Monitor a random sample of applications and notices of case action from all the eligibility units for completeness.
October 2007

December 2007

March 2008
The Office of Family Safety will provide quarterly reports with brief descriptions of progress toward completion of each task and, where appropriate, the end product(s). 1. The Child in Care Medicaid and Title IV-E Application form (CF-ES 2626A) was revised with implementation on August 10, 2007. Three Regional Training sessions conducted in July 2007. Revised form was shared and importance of following instructions and completing form in its entirety discussed.
Area in need of improvement Program Improvement Goal Action steps required for improvement Projected completion date How will progress on the plan be evaluated and reported? Comments
5. Judicial determination regarding reasonable efforts to finalize the permanency plan within 12 months of child's removal and every 12 months thereafter as long as the child is in out of home care - unless a hearing is required within thirty days. All permanency court orders will have a timely judicial determination as to whether the agency has made reasonable efforts to finalize the permanency plan for the child 1. Collaborate with the state court system to collect sample removal/shelter court orders from county courts and to assess whether these orders address federal requirement for findings at within 12 months of child's removal and every 12 months thereafter as long as the child is in out of home care

2. Collaborate and provide technical assistance with the state court system on order language for reasonable efforts to finalize the child's permanency plan requirement

3. Collaborate with the state court system on technical assistance and job aids that will help the court, agency, and contracted providers understand the urgency and importance for finalizing permanency plans. This will be specific to Child Welfare Legal Services attorneys, Case Managers, Case Manager Supervisors, and Family Safety Program Managers.
October 2007

December 2007

March 2008
The Office of Family Safety will provide quarterly reports with brief descriptions of progress toward completion of each task and, where appropriate, the end product(s).