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Maryland Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review

April 1 to September 30, 2001


From July 29 to August 2, 2002, staff from the Central and Region III Offices of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) teamed with representatives of the Maryland Department of Human Resources (DHR) to conduct an eligibility review of Maryland's title IV-E foster care program. The review was conducted at the offices of DHR and, at the request of the State, the Baltimore City Department of Social Services.

The purposes of the review were to determine if Maryland was in compliance with the child and provider eligibility requirements of Section 472 of the Social Security Act (the Act) and 45 CFR 1356.71 and to validate the basis of Maryland's financial claims to determine whether appropriate payments were made on behalf of eligible children to eligible foster care providers.

Maryland was reviewed against the following requirements of the title IV-E section of the Act and 45 CFR:

  1. The eligibility of the children on whose behalf the foster care maintenance payments are made ((Sections 472 (a)(1)-(4)) to include:

    • Judicial determinations regarding reasonable efforts and contrary to the welfare in accordance with 45 CFR 1346.21(b)(1) and (c), respectively;
    • Voluntary placement agreements as set forth in 45 CFR 1356.22;
    • Responsibility for placement and care vested with State agency as stipulated in 472(a)(2) and 45 CFR 1356.71(d)(1)(iii);
    • Placement in a licensed foster family home or child care institution as defined in Sections 472(a)(3)(b) and (c); and,
    • Eligibility for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) under the State Plan as was in effect on July 16 1996 as required by Section 472(a)(1) and (4) and 45 CFR 1356.71(d)(1)(v).

  2. Allowable payments made to foster care providers who comport with Sections 471(a)(10), 471(a)(20), 472(b) and (c), and 45 CFR 1356.30.

Scope of the Review

The Maryland title IV-E review encompassed a sample of all of the title IV-E foster care cases for which a foster care maintenance payment was made during the period April 1 to September 30, 2001. A computerized statistical sample of 101 cases was drawn from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) data which was transmitted by Maryland to ACF for the period under review. The child's case file was perused for the determination of title IV-E eligibility and the provider documentation was checked for licensure and safety requirements for the entire period under review.

Pursuant to the promulgation of the final regulations which became effective March 27, 2000, this was the initial primary review of the Maryland title IV-E foster care program. Of the 101 case record identifying numbers drawn, 80 cases were fully examined. Of the 80 cases, 38 were found to be in error for reasons identified in the Case Record Summary section of the report. Since the number of errors exceeded the threshold of eight (8) for an initial primary review, ACF determined Maryland not to be in substantial compliance. Therefore, pursuant to 45 CFR 1356.71(i), Maryland is required to develop a Program Improvement Plan (PIP) designed to correct those areas determined not to be in compliance. The PIP is to be developed by Maryland in consultation with ACF Regional Office staff. It must be submitted to the Region by January 4, 2003. Following ACF's acceptance of the PIP, Maryland will have up to a year to implement it. Upon satisfactory completion of the PIP, a secondary review of 150 cases will be conducted.

Case Record Summary

Detailed in the chart below by sample number are the case error citations, the period of ineligibility, and the amount of erroneous payments.* Note that the calculation of erroneous payments is based on the Federal Financial Participation rates of the administrative and maintenance costs at the Federal Medical Assistance Percentages for the applicable year(s) for each sample case.

Sample Number Citation(s) Erroneous Payments
1 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-7/16/02
9 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
11 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-5/10/01
15 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
16 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-6/21/01
17 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-5/16/01
19 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
21 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 5/24/01-6/30/01
23 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-3/15/02
27 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
31 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01- 7/13/01
33 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-4/3/01
35 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 9/1/01-9/10/01
39 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan;
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
41 1356.21(c)(b)(1)Contrary to welfare; Reasonable efforts to prevent removal/reunify
Ineligible: 10/25/99-8/2/02
1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
42 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
48 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
50 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-10/10/01
1356.71(d)(v) AFDC determinations
Ineligible: 6/27/01-10/10/01
52 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 8/8/01-10/16/01
53 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-11/5/01
54 1356.71(g)(1) Licensing
Ineligible: 4/1/01 -4/26/01
55 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 7/7/01-8/2/02
57 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
Section 475(4)(A) Educational assistance not included in definition of foster care maintenance payments
Ineligible: 6/29/00-6/1/01
59 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
60 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-12/20/01
71 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-9/30/01
72 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
73 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-6/18/02
76 1356.71(g)(1) Licensing
Ineligible: 4/1/01
78 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 8/29/01-8/2/02
80 1356.21(b)(1) Reasonable efforts to prevent removal/reunify
Ineligible: 10/25/85-8/2/02
1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
1356.71(g)(1) Licensing; 1356.30 (a)(b) Criminal records check
Ineligible: 8/29/01-9/19/01
OS/1 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
OS/3 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-11/6/01
OS/4 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 5/2/01-9/23/01
OS/7 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-12/17/01
OS/8 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
OS/9 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-8/2/02
OS/13 1356.21(b)(2) Reasonable efforts to finalize perm plan
Ineligible: 4/1/01-6/11/01
Total 38 Cases Total Erroneous Payments $720,129

* See the attached sheet which breaks out the administrative costs for each case. back
** Originally charged to Federal, but adjusted records in July 2002 to State funds. back

Areas in Need of Improvement

In the most recent update to the Child and Family Services Plan, which was approved on August 22, 2002, Maryland again committed to continuous quality improvement. This fact is joined with Maryland's having been determined to not be in substantial compliance with respect to its title IV-E foster care program and therefore being required to develop and implement a PIP. The following comments are provided to assist the State in its overall improvement initiatives and with specific reference to the development and implementation of the PIP.


Various strengths were observed in the course of conducting the title IV-E foster care review. As a prelude, it is noted that the records which were examined were maintained in a uniform manner which facilitated their review.


The review included a sample of 80 cases. The sample was drawn from a universe of cases that received at least one title IV-E foster care maintenance payment during the 6-month AFCARS period of April 1 to September 30, 2001. Based on the results of the review, Maryland has been determined to be not in substantial compliance. Thirty-eight (38) cases were determined not to be eligible for funding under title IV-E foster care as detailed in this report. Therefore, a disallowance in the amount of $720,129 is assessed for the entire period of time that these cases were determined to be in error.