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Fats, Oils and Animal Coproducts Research Unit

Dr. Michael J. Haas, Acting Research Leader
Kathleen Kelly, Program Support Assistant
Voice:  (215) 233-6585
Fax:  (215) 233-6795

In the Spotlight

2009 Recipient of the Supelco/Nicholas Pelick - AOCS Research Award

Congratulations to  Tom Foglia, now a Collaborator in ERRC’s Fats, Oils and Animal Coproducts Research Unit, for his selection as the 2009 recipient of the Supelco/Nicholas Pelick AOCS (American Oil Chemists’ Society) Research Award.  This award is sponsored by Supelco Incorporated (a subsidiary of Sigma-Aldrich Corporation) and Nicholas Pelick, a founder of Supelco and a Past President of AOCS.  The award recognizes “outstanding original research in fats, oils, lipid chemistry, or biochemistry.”  Tom is deservingly qualified to receive this honor in view of his monumental contributions to advance the utilization of fats and oils by many arenas including the food, oleochemical, and biofuel industries.  The award consists of a $10,000 honorarium and a plaque commemorating the presentation.   This year’s award will be granted at the 100th Annual Meeting of AOCS, Orlando, May 3-6, 2009.  The recognition of Tom’s accomplishments not only reflects upon his sterling achievements over a long scientific career, but also attests to the significant impact that ARS research has had on its stakeholders and customers.


ERRC Scientists Partners in Successful Development of New Method for Biodiesel Production from Non-Food Feedstock

As the use of biodiesel, the renewable and domestically produced replacement for petroleum diesel fuel, expands worldwide, new feedstock supplies are needed to meet increasing demand.  The use of low cost starting materials is particularly interesting, since feedstock cost can constitute 80% of overall production cost when high value, edible fats and oils are used to produce biodiesel. Working in collaboration with BlackGold Biofuels, ERRC researchers have contributed to the successful development of a robust production process that converts trap grease, a low-value waste fat, to high quality biodiesel.  The accompanying article describes the announcement by the city of San Francisco, CA of its issuance of a contract to BlackGold for the first production scale implementation of its technology.

Click here to read the article (PDF).


Biodiesel Journal Highlights ERRC Biodiesel and Barley Ethanol Research in March/April Issue

Click here to read all about it!


Protecting U.S. Troops with Fireproof Wool

Biopolished wool, developed at the ARS Eastern Regional Research Center in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, is displayed as an army neck gator: Click here for full photo caption.
Biopolished wool, developed at the ARS Eastern Regional Research Center in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, is displayed as an army neck gaiter.  A new ARS-developed polymer can be added to this fabric to make it flame retardant.

Though natural, untreated wool is scratchier than synthetic fabrics, wool is less susceptible to burning.  This makes it an ideal fabric for uniforms worn by members of the military, firefighters, and others whose occupations expose them to fire.

“Wool burns with a self-extinguishing flame and produces a soft ash that dissipates and will not lodge in open wounds,” says Jeanette M. Cardamone, a chemist at the ARS Eastern Regional Research Center (ERRC) in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania. “Synthetic materials, on the other hand, form hot, molten beads that can drip into a wound and cause trauma.”

Read more about the research in the May 2008 issue of Agricultural Research Magazine .


Science Update
Environment-Friendly Fire Resistance

A new textile-finishing compound that imparts flame and extreme-heat resistance to enzyme-polished, machine-washable wool is available for licensing. The patented compound can be applied to yarn, fabric, or finished garments. Treated textiles are of interest to manufacturers for use in military or firefighter uniforms, as well as other garments for which fire retardancy is an important feature.

Current technologies used to impart heat resistance use metals or chemicals that are considered environmentally unfriendly. Now a business partner is being sought to license this innovative technology for further development.

Jeanette M. Cardamone, USDA-ARS Fats, Oils, and Animal Coproducts Research Unit, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania; phone (215) 233-6680.

"Science Update" was published in the May/June 2007 issue of Agricultural Research magazine.


ARS Honors Top Scientists for 2006

By Laura McGinnis
March 6, 2007

Thomas A. FogliaWASHINGTON, Mar. 6—Discoveries to advance the expanding field of biobased products and biodiesel research have earned Agricultural Research Service (ARS) chemist Thomas A. Foglia the agency's Distinguished Senior Research Scientist of the Year award for 2006. ARS is the chief in-house scientific research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Foglia and other award-winning ARS scientists were recognized by ARS Administrator Edward B. Knipling at an awards ceremony today at USDA headquarters here. Each scientist received a plaque, cash award and additional funding for research.

At the ARS Eastern Regional Research Center in Wyndmoor, Pa., Foglia has helped expand knowledge of how fats and oils can be converted to biobased products and biodiesel fuel. During his 38 years with ARS, he has authored or co-authored 228 publications, 175 technical abstracts and 17 patents.

"Dr. Foglia's career has been distinguished not only by his spirit of scientific discovery, but also by the dedication, integrity and leadership that have won him the respect of his peers both in the United States and abroad," Knipling said. (More about Foglia's research)

At the agency's Annual Recognition Program, March 6, 2007, held at USDA headquarters, chemist Thomas A. Foglia was honored as ARS Distinguished Senior Research Scientist of the Year for 2006.

In this video (about 6 minutes) the scientist describes his work.

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News release (3/6/07)
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October 27, 2006

A start-up company in North Philadelphia may be at the forefront of the biofuels industry. Philadelphia Fry-o-Diesel is trying to make biodiesel fuel from trap grease, the slimy gunk that collects at the bottom of restaurant drains. WHYY's Joel Rose reports.
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Research Units
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Last Modified: 04/01/2009
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