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  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Critical Habitat for Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus)

The final rule designating critical habitat for the wintering population of the piping plover was published in the Federal Register on Tuesday, July 10, 2001. See the following for more information:

On July 6, 2000, two proposed rules for the designation of critical habitat for the piping plover were published in the Federal Register, one for the Great Lakes breeding population and one for the wintering population.

On June 12, 2001, a proposed rule for the designation of critical habitat was published for the Northern Great Plains breeding population of the piping plover.

On May 3, 2001, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designated critical habitat for Endangered Great Lakes Piping Plovers.

piping plover phot by C. Perez
Piping Plover.   USFWS photo by C. Perez

Maps of Critical Habitat Units

The descriptions of legal boundaries below are "PDF" files. To view them, you may need to download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader, free from Adobe, Inc.)

When viewing these maps please note that not everything within the map borders is critical habitat. For example, critical habitat does not include developed sites such as buildings, marinas, paved areas, and boat ramps. Read the critical habitat fact sheet for more information.

You may also receive the GIS file for these maps by sending a request via email to

Maps of Wintering Areas (click on name to view map)

Descriptions of legal boundaries for Florida Units and Georgia Units
Florida Units 01-03 Florida Units 31-32
Florida Units 05-07 Florida Unit 33
Florida Units 08-11 Florida Unit 34
Florida Units 12-14 Florida Units 35-36
Florida Units 15-19 Georgia Units 01-05
Florida Units 20-21 Georgia Units 06-10
Florida Units 22-23-25-26 Georgia Units 11-14
Florida Unit 27 Georgia Units 15-16
Florida Units 28-30  
Descriptions of legal boundaries for Mississippi and Alabama Units
Mississippi Units 01-06 Mississippi Units 12-15
Mississippi Units 10-11 Alabama Units 01-03
Descriptions of legal boundaries for North Carolina and South Carolina Units
North Carolina Unit 01 South Carolina Units 03-06
North Carolina Units 02-06 South Carolina Units 07-08
North Carolina Units 07-10 South Carolina Units 09-11
North Carolina Units 11-15 South Carolina Units 12-15
North Carolina Units 16-18 and South Carolina Units 01-02  
Descriptions of legal boundaries for Louisiana Units
Louisiana Unit 01 Louisiana Units 05-06
Louisiana Units 02-04 Louisiana Units 07
Descriptions of legal boundaries for Texas Units
Texas Units 01, 02, Southern 03, 04 Texas Units 22-26
Texas Units Northern 03 and 05 Texas Units 27-30
Texas Units 06-14 Texas Units 31-34
Texas Units 15-21 Texas Units 35-37

The original proposed critical habitat maps are also available


Updated: July 26, 2001