Cross-Cutting Guidance for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act - September 1996

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

II. Improving Teaching and Learning with ESEA Resources

The five guiding themes of the ESEA offer a framework for thinking about and implementing school reform with ESEA resources. The specific programs authorized in the law support these five themes individually and collectively.

The sections that follow describe key provisions of the ESEA that relate to each of the five themes. They discuss how States, districts, and schools can apply these provisions to pursue high student achievement and their own broad school reform goals. Boxed examples show how State and local people are integrating ESEA and other resources in real-world situations to improve teaching and learning.

The discussion that follows does not try to list every ESEA program or provision that pertains to each theme, nor does it delve into any one program in detail (although some key provisions, such as Title I schoolwide programs, appear under more than one theme). Instead it offers information and ideas about the range of ESEA resources available to schools and how these resources can be applied to critical school improvement needs.

[I. Using Federal Resources to Support Reform] [Table of Contents] [Theme 1. High Standards for All Children]