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Solving the "Where on Earth...?" MISR Mystery Image Quizzes

How do I solve the quiz, and become a geographic detective? And what might I learn from it? A careful investigation of the mystery image will reveal fascinating facts about Earth that we might otherwise never know. Such investigation helps us to understand many parts of our world; the natural processes of the land and oceans; characteristics of mountains, rivers, and other natural systems; the influences of agriculture and industry; seasonal changes, meteorological phenomenon and natural hazards.

To solve the quiz, first examine the image to decide if the mystery area is inland or oceanic, and make some hypotheses (educated guesses) about the vegetation, water, and geology. Search for clues within the image that will indicate the approximate geographic latitude, and use an atlas (or some maps) and the quiz questions, to determine the location. Answers to the quiz questions can be found using an internet search engine, e.g.,, to search the wealth of freely available on-line information, basing your search on words and phrases in the questions. Your research about the questions will be easier after you identify the location. Geographical detectives may need to consult multiple sources of information in order to solve the challenging quiz questions. The following links may be of assistance:

Note: The listing of external links does not imply an endorsement by NASA.
Atlases, maps and satellite images
Virtually visit anywhere in the world with NASA's World Wind 1.3
Odden's Cartographic Bookmarks
The Perry-Casteñeda Library Map Collection
Search atlas from Redtail and the HRW World Atlas
Hints for the Paperless Map Librarian from the Map and Geography Round Table
Global Land Cover Facility from the University of Maryland
Geographic Information Systems and Maps from the University of Arkansas
Searchable satellite images from NASA's Visible Earth
Image and data features from NASA's Earth Observatory
The Planetary Photojournal, managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

Remote sensing resources
Detailed remote sensing tutorial including a description of how one person solved MISR's Where on Earth...? Quiz #12.
Space image interpretation links at the Rutgers University Center for Remote Sensing
The Fundamentals of Remote Sensing from the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Surface characteristics (vegetation, ice and snow, terrain)
Geomorphology from Space from NASA-GSFC
The National Snow and Ice Data Center
Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics from NASA-GSFC
SeaWiFS Land Processes from NASA-GSFC
Vegetation Mapping Program at the US Geological Survey
The U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network
Global vegetation and plant distribution at the University of California, Berkely
Wetlands International
Remote Monitoring in the Arid Southwest
Earthshots: Satellite Images of Environmental Change

Atmospheric characteristics
SOLAR - Students On-Line Atmospheric Research
Hands-on-Meteorology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Suomi Virtual Museum has explanations of the Earth's radiation energy balance and of how satellite observations are used to determine winds.
Cloud height derivation from cloud shadows and other interpretation discussions from the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere

Ocean characteristics
Institute for Marine Remote Sensing at the University of South Florida
Marine Geology and Geophysics at NOAA
Reefbase: A Global Information System on Coral Reefs
Southhampton Oceanography Centre

Demography, cultural geography, and human dimensions of global change
The CIA World Factbook
International Database from the US Census Bureau
Natural Science at the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Education at the Center for International Earth Science Information Network
Ask Doctor Global Change at the US Global Change Research Program

USA GOV website - Your first click to the U.S. Government. NASA