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Welcome to AboutFace

Every year hundreds of thousands of children are born with facial birth defects around the world. Thousands more people acquire facial disfigurements every day, as a result of disease (such as stroke or cancer) or accident/trauma (car, fire, dog bites). Living with a facial difference, regardless if it’s congenital or acquired, is a social disability. It affects your life from birth and follows you through every life stage. It is something you can’t hide.

In 1985, AboutFace began connecting individuals with similar experiences of living with facial difference. It was the start of something special and we soon realized that all people really need is a chance to share, be heard and valued for their self worth.

At AboutFace, we believe that each person has strengths and qualities to offer. Our mission is to advocate on behalf of those touched by facial difference with peer connections, information, emotional support and opportunities to enhance their life circumstances. As well, we are dedicated to changing attitudes and dispelling myths about facial differences through the media, school community, and general public.

Ultimately, our vision is to create a society that is accepting and welcoming of differences so that every person can be valued and able to achieve their full potential.

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