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News from 2006

December 20, 2006 - NASA Satellite Discovers New Kind of Black Hole Explosion
Scientists using NASA data are studying a newly recognized type of cosmic explosion called a hybrid gamma-ray burst. As with other gamma-ray bursts, this hybrid blast is likely signaling the birth of a new black hole.
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December 6, 2006 - A New Release of the Swift Software and Calibration Data is Available for Download
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November 21, 2006 - Twin Star Explosions Fascinate Astronomers
Penn State University Press Release
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November 6, 2006 - Monster Stellar Flare Seen by NASA Scientists Dwarfs All Others
Scientists using NASA's Swift satellite have spotted a stellar flare on a nearby star so powerful that, had it been from our sun, it would have triggered a mass extinction on Earth. The flare was perhaps the most energetic magnetic stellar explosion ever detected.
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October 5, 2006 - NASA Performs Headcount of Local Black Holes
NASA scientists using the Swift satellite have conducted the first complete census of galaxies with active, central black holes, a project that scanned the entire sky several times over a nine-month period.
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October 5, 2006 - Scientists Determine The Nature Of Black Hole Jets
NASA and Italian scientists using Swift have for the first time determined what the particle jets streaming from black holes are made of.
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October 5, 2006 - Recent Developments in the Study of Gamma-Ray Bursts Meeting
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October 4, 2006 - Mug Shots of Supernovas Reveal Two Key Findings
Scientists using NASA's Swift satellite have observed two dozen recent star explosions, called supernovae, quickly after the event and have discovered never-before-seen properties, some of which run counter to prevailing theories.
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September 24, 2006 - Software Swift XRT Patch: HEASOFT 6.1.1
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September 21, 2006 - Software Release: HEASOFT 6.1
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August 30, 2006 - Swift Newsletter - Issue 5
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August 30, 2006 - Caught in the Act, Scientists Watch Supernova Explode
Scientists using NASA's Swift satellite and a combination of orbiting and ground-based observatories have for the first time caught a supernova in the act of exploding.
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July 17, 2006 - Two Important Items Concerning Swift Cycle 3
If you are interested in being a Swift Cycle 3 proposer or reviewer, please read this important information (also sent to the swiftnews mailing list).
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May 12, 2006 - X-rays Fly as Cracking Comet Streaks Across the Sky
Scientists using NASA's Swift satellite have detected X-rays from a comet that is now passing the Earth and rapidly disintegrating on what could be its final orbit around the sun.
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May 9, 2006 - Swift Cycle 3 Guest Investigator Program Information
Information for proposers for Swift Cycle 3 is now available. New features of Cycle 3 include fully electronic proposal submission, and the availability of a limited amount of non-GRB TOO time.
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April 27, 2006 - Update of XRT CALDB
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April 26, 2006 - New CALDB and Software Release
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April 10, 2006 - BBC News: Telescope looks to go to the edge
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April 7, 2006 - Swift Newsletter, Issue 4
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April 7, 2006 - BBC News: 'Dead star' erupts for big show
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February 24, 2006 - Scientists Detect New Kind of Cosmic Explosion
Scientists using NASA's Swift satellite have detected a new kind of cosmic explosion. The event appears to be a precursor to a supernova, which is expected to reach peak brightness in one week.
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February 24, 2006 - Swift Satellite Detects Unusual Cosmic Explosion
Penn State University Press Release
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January 3, 2006 - Swift Newsletter - Issue 3
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This page was last modified on Wednesday, 20-Dec-2006 13:33:15 EST.

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