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Title V Policy and Guidance Database

EPA has issued a number of policy and guidance documents that interpret title V and its regulations. To help quickly locate subject matter of interest, we have developed a searchable database which contains over 230 EPA-issued policy and guidance documents. An index of the documents is also available sorted by title, date and author.

You can search the database online or download the database. Downloading the database will give you quicker searches and a more powerful search engine.

You may also find our database of title V petitions and EPA's responses or our database of NSR and PSD policy and guidance documents useful.

Download the Database

To use the downloaded database you must have the Adobe Acrobat reader installed on your computer. The Adobe Acrobat reader can be downloaded from www.adobe.com Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer and is available for many types of computers and operating systems.

The database was last revised on January 20, 2009.

You can install or update the database by downloading a .zip or self extracting .exe executable file (compiled for Windows) by following the instructions below.

Instructions for downloading entire database:

To install the self-extracting executable:
  1. Download natguide.exe (19.1 Mb) to the directory under which the t5memos directory will be created. For example, if you download the file to your computer's root directory on the C: drive the path to the install database will be C:\t5memos.
  2. Execute natguide.exe by double clicking on its file name in Windows Explorer or File Manager.
  3. Click "Unzip" to extract the files and then close the program.
  4. You may then delete natguide.exe from your computer.
  5. See the instructions for using the database.
To install the zip file:
  1. Download natguide.zip (19.1 Mb).
  2. Create a directory or folder for the database.
  3. Unzip the zip file and restore/create the directory structure stored in the zip file into the directory you created.
  4. You may then delete natguide.zip from you computer.
  5. See the instructions for using the database.

Instructions for using the database:

To search the database, open INTRO.PDF with Adobe Acrobat and follow the instructions.

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