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OZONE Technical Resources

This page is intended for a technical audience and provides links to documents and other information on EPA's website related to ground-level ozone. This page is not necessarily a comprehensive list of all ozone information available, but provides links to the documents most frequently requested by our technical community.

Table of Contents


   Regulations and Policy

   Other Technical Resources

EPA Offices and Other Government Offices

LinkTTNWeb File Types - What PDF, DBF, WPD, TXT, ZIP mean

Link To obtain PDF and UnZip programs

A. Nonattainment Areas

  1. LinkAll Nonattainment Areas (Green Book) including 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas
  2. LinkFine Particle (PM 2.5) Designations
    1. Link Map
    2. LinkComparison of State Recommendations on PM2.5 to EPA Responses
    3. Link40 CFR Part 81
  3. Link Code of Federal Regulations, 40 CFR 81, Subpart C -- Section 107 Attainment Status Designations for each year after 1996
  4. Link Sept 4, 1992 and Oct 28, 1992 Memorandums by John Calcagni concerning Procedures for Processing Requests to Redesignate Areas to Attainment and State Implementation Plan (SIP) Actions Submitted in Response to Clean Air Act (Act) Deadlines (PDF format)
  5. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

B. Air Quality Data

C. Air Emissions Data

  1. LinkNational Emissions Source Reports
    LinkSelect a State, then Select a Report
    1. NET Facility Emissions Report - Lists each point source in order of its pollutant emissions, ranking them from largest to smallest
    2. NET Facility Count Report - The number of point sources and their total air pollutant emissions for each geographic area (county, state, or EPA region)
    3. NET Facility SIC Report - The number of point sources and their total air pollutant emissions for each Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
    4. NET Tier Report - Total emissions of point sources and of area + mobile sources in 14 major categories (Tier 1) or 75 more detailed categories (Tier 2), for each geographic area (county, state, or EPA region)
    5. NET Plant Locator Map - Map shows the locations of "plants" -- stationary sources, point sources, facilities -- that emit air pollutants you select.
    6. Plant/Monitor Locator Map - Map shows the locations of air pollution point sources (plants) and air monitoring sites (monitors). At your discretion, a map may include either plants or monitors, or both.
    7. NET Emissions Summary Map - Is a composite image, containing a map and five bar charts that illustrate the distribution of criteria pollutant emissions from point sources -- facilities such as power plants and factories.
    8. NET Emissions Distribution Map - Map indicates the aggregate air pollutant emissions of every county in the selected geographic area.
    9. Plant Data Search - Shows a graphic composed of one map, one chart and demographic information. The map indicates the location of the selected plant. The bar chart shows the estimated annual emissions of all criteria pollutants. The demographic information includes the plant address, SIC, Latest Emission Inventory Year, Plant Contact, Compliance Status, Significant Violator Status, and Operating Status.
  2. LinkNational Emission Inventory -
    1. LinkNational Emissions Inventory Input Format
  3. LinkEPA's Emission Factor and Inventory Group (EFIG)
  4. LinkGreen Vehicle Guide - Information about the air pollution emissions and fuel economy performance of different vehicles
  5. National Air Pollutant Emission Trends Report (Summary)
    1. Link Air Pollutant Emission Trends
    2. Link 1998
  6. Link Procedures for the Preparation of Emission Inventories for Carbon Monoxide and Precursors of Ozone, Volume I, EPA-450/4-91-016
  7. Electric Generating Plants
  8. Link Emission Tracking System/Continuous Emissions Monitoring data for 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
    View Sample Reports: From the State summary, click on a State to view annual, ozone season, and ozone day data by plant
    yelballPlant Level Data - Click on a plant to view annual, ozone season, ozone day, and monthlydata by boiler yelball NOx Emissions yelball Boiler Level Data - Heat Input yelball Boiler Level Data - NOx Rate - Click on a boiler to view daily, maximum hourly, and hourly level data yelball Hourly Data - NOx Emissions yelball Hourly Data - Heat Input yelball Hourly Data - NOx Rate
  9. EPA's Clean Air Markets site
    1. Link Clean Air Market Emissions Data & Compliance Reports
    2. LinkThe Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (E-GRID) is an integrated source of data regarding environmental characteristics of electric power generation. An integration of 12 different federal data bases, E-GRID provides air pollutant emission and resource mix information for thousands of individual power plants and generating companies for 1996-98. E-GRID provides emissions per unit of electricity, permitting direct comparisons of pollution levels from different power sources (EGRID)
    3. Link Acid Rain Emissions Data - Create a custom query with annual, ozone season, quarterly, monthly or hourly data for either a specific plant(s) or a specific type of unit.
  10. Integrated Planning Model (IPM)
    1. LinkIntro, Documentation and NEEDS (National Electric Energy System) Database
    2. LinkResults Using IPM
    3. LinkComparative analysis of several models (DOE) Exit EPA disclaimer
  11. Link DOE - Electric Generating Unit Inventory Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. LinkExisting Generating Units at U.S. Electric Utilities by State, Company, and Plant 1999 LinkTXT file
    2. Link by Plant Name
    3. Link by State
    4. Link by Utility
    5. LinkInventory of Electric Utility Power Plants
    6. LinkInventory of Electric Utility Power Plants Data Tables HTML
    7. LinkAnnual Electric Generator Report--Utility (Form EIA-860 Database)
  12. Link Envirofacts - EPA AIRS Facility Data Bases - Entity & Attribute Information
  13. LinkAir Releases Query Form - Search the AIRS/AFS Database
  14. LinkFacility Information Query Form
    1. To find information about certain industries (such as the name and address):
    2. Go to EPA's Envirofacts database at www.epa.gov/enviro/html/fii/fii_query_java.html (see link above)
    3. Scroll down to FACILITY INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION SEARCH and enter the appropriate SIC or NAICS for the industry
    4. Scroll to the bottom and click SEARCH
  15. LinkFederal Energy Regulatory Commission Exit EPA disclaimer
  16. Toxics Data
    1. Link Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)
      1. LinkGet TRI Data
    2. Link EPA's Air Toxics Website
  17. LinkEPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality - OTAQ (formerly: Office of Mobile Sources)
    1. Link Tier 2/Gasoline Sulfur Final Rulemaking
    2. LinkTier 2 Study of Vehicle Emissions
    3. Link Procedures for Developing Base Year and Future Year Mass and Modeling Inventories for the Tier II Final Rulemaking - describes the details of the VMT projection methodology. PDF 30 MEGS - large file
    4. Link MOBILE6 Vehicle Emission Modeling Software
  18. Link State level VMT (in millions of miles traveled per year) by the three vehicle categories. Estimates are included for 1990-98, 2007, 2020, and 2030. ZIP
  19. Link 2001 Urban Mobility Study by Texas Transportation Institute, or Texas A&M University System (TAMUS). Exit EPA disclaimer
  20. State Information
    1. Link California Emissions Inventory Data Exit EPA disclaimer
      1. LinkCounty Summary
      2. Link Air Basin
      3. LinkFacility Search - Each Plants Emissions
    2. Link Texas - Results of Grandfathered Emissions Survey Exit EPA disclaimer
    3. Link Texas - Sources of Air Pollution Exit EPA disclaimer
  21. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

D. Census Data, MSA Info and Maps

E. Meteorological Data

  1. NOAA Reports - Cool and Wet Summers Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link NOAA Reports Cool 2004 Summer, Seventh Coldest August On Record
    2. Link June-August 2003 was wetter than average, ranking 15th wettest in the last 109 years.
    3. Link Temperature and Precipitation by Month, Season, Year
    4. By Year       Link Temp Link Prec
    5. Summer - June through August
    6. Climate Summary   Link2003 Link2004
    7. Coldest-Warmest    Link2003 Link2004
    8. Driest-Wettest        Link2003 Link2004
    9. Prec % from norm   Link2003 Link2004
    10. By Year                 LinkTemp LinkPrec
    11. 2004
    12. Climate Summary  LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    13. Coldest-Warmest   LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    14. Temp % from norm LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    15. Driest-Wettest        LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    16. Prec % from norm   LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    17. 2003
    18. Climate Summary  LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    19. Coldest-Warmest   LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    20. Temp % from norm LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    21. Driest-Wettest        LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    22. Prec % from norm   LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    23. Link Stagnation Maps
    24. 2003-2004 LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
    25. 2001-2002 LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug LinkJun LinkJul LinkAug
  2. Link EPA Draft Guidance on the Use of Models and Other Analyses in Attainment Demonstrations for the 8-hour Ozone NAAQS, EPA-454/R-99-004, (May 1999)
  3. Link WR Plot Wind Rose Program / Under Related Programs at bottom of page
  4. Link Wind data at North Carolina - National Weather Service Meteorological Data Sets Exit EPA disclaimer
  5. Link NC Meteorological Links - Satellite, Trajectories and other weather sites Exit EPA disclaimer
  6. NOAA Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) is the world's largest active archive of weather data
    2. Link Weather, Warnings, Forecasts, Model Products, Climate information, Facsimile Charts, Observations, links to government web sites, documentation on meteorology, meteorological standards, Telecommunication protocols, WMO Abbreviated Headings, NWS organization, NESDIS Imagery, hydrometeorologic, hydrologic.
    3. Link Weather and Climate Sites
    4. Link NOAA Degree Day Statistics
    5. Link The Weather Calculator
    6. Link Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
    7. Link Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN) interfaces: Animated Graphics
      1. Link Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN) interfaces: Animated Graphics version (High speed Internet connections)
      2. Link Not Animated
    8. Link National Weather Service Homepages
    9. Link National Weather Service Offices and Forecast Offices
    10. Link OSEI - Operational Significant Event Imagery team produces high-resolution, detailed imagery of significant environmental events which are visible in remotely-sensed data - Includes Fires
  7. NASA Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link Geostationary Satellite Server
    2. Link TOMS Aerosol Hot Spots Page
  8. Link Understanding your weather forecast Exit EPA disclaimer
  9. Link University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Weather Data Source Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link Computer Model Forecasts (and Discussions)
    2. Link USA Weather
    3. Link 700 Weather Cams
    4. Link Weather Maps
    5. Link Radar & Satellite
    6. Link Travel Cities Weather page! From here, forecasts, current conditions, color satellite imagery, and radar are available for over 30 cities
    7. Link Numerous Links to other weather sites
  10. Link Penn State Real-Time Weather Exit EPA disclaimer
  11. Link Forest Service - Stagnation maps Exit EPA disclaimer
  12. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

F. Ambient Standards & Court Decision on 1997 Standards

  1. LinkOzone Standard Criteria Documents, Staff Papers, Technical Documents and Notices
  2. Link National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
  3. Information on 1997 Ozone and Particulate Matter Standards
    1. New Air Quality Standards for Ozone and Particulate Matter
      1. LinkBackground Information and Notices
      2. Link7/18/97 Federal Register Notice PDF
    2. Link New Ozone Standard Federal Register Notice of July 18, 1997
    3. Link Implementation of Revised Standards for O3 & PM - July 16, 1997 Presidential Document signed by President Clinton
    4. Link Health And Environmental Effects Of Ground-Level Ozone
    5. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
      1. Link Summary of Ambient Standards
      2. Link Ambient Standards in 40 CFR Part 50 (selected appendixes)Link (all app.)Link PDF (all app.)
  4. Court Cases
    1. Link March 26, 2002, DC Circuit Court of Appeals Decision No. 97-1440 Upholding Ozone and PM Standards (American Trucking Association)Link If not available
    2. Link November 14, 2001, Federal Register - National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: Proposed Response To Remand
    3. Link Supreme Court Opinion - Choose - Whitman v. American Trucking Assns., Inc. (2/27/01 Docket 99-1257) PDF
    4. Link Supreme Court - Syllabus, Opinion and Concurrence (Cornell) Exit EPA disclaimer
    5. Link US Court of Appeals - DC - Remand of Ozone and PM Standards (Choose opinions/May 1999/97-1440a) Exit EPA disclaimer
    6. EPA's Updated Ozone and Particulate Matter Air Quality Standards
      1. Link EPA Summary of the Court's Decision - October 29, 1999
      2. Link Use this document if you cannot find it on the Court's page
  5. Guidance and Technical Information
    1. Link Ozone Seasons
    2. Link Ozone Seasons with some notices attached
    3. Link 40 CFR 58 (under Code of Federal Regulations)
    4. Link Memo on how to calculate the 1-hour Design Values by W. Laxton on June 18, 1990
    5. Link Guideline for the Interpretation of Ozone (1-hour) Air Quality Standards, January 1979
    6. Link Guideline on Data Handling Conventions for the 8-hour Ozone NAAQS - December 1998 in Wordperfect and PDF
      1. Link in HTML to view on web
    7. Link Guideline on the Identification and Use of Air Quality Data Affected by Exceptional Events, July 1986
    8. Link OAQPS memorandum "Agency Policy on the Use of Special Purpose Monitoring Data" by John Seitz on August 22, 1997 (in HTML)
      1. Link PDF
    9. Link Guideline on the Identification and Use of Air Quality Data Affected by Exceptional Events, July 1986
    10. Link Guidance on Assessing the Impacts of May 1998 Mexican Fires on O3 Levels in the US November 10, 1998
    11. Link April 13, 1992 Letter Clarification of Definition of Ambient Air
    12. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

G. Information 1997 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas

  1. General Information
    1. Link8-hour Ozone Ground Level Designations
    2. LinkBasic Information
    3. LinkReclassifications LinkSept 22, 2004 FR Notice
    4. LinkMyths and Facts
    5. LinkOzone & Health
    6. LinkA Timeline
    7. LinkPolicy Guidance
    8. LinkFrequently Asked Questions
    9. Link Press Release
    10. LinkFact Sheet
    11. Link Sample Requirements
  2. LinkTechnical Support
    1. Link Technical justification in support of EPA's final designations. (ZIP, all chapters, 99.8 MB)
      1. The following chapters are in PDF files:
      2. Link1: Introduction
      3. Link2: 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Designations and Classifications by State
      4. Link3: Justifications in Support of EPA's 8-Hour Ozone Designations and Classifications
      5. Link 4: Classifications and Air Quality Data
      6. Link 5: Ranking of Nonattainment Counties
      7. Link 6: Additional Supporting Documents
      8. Link7: Evaluation of Early Action Compact Local Plans
      9. LinkAppendix A
    2. LinkResponses to Comment on 8-hour ozone designations (PDF)
    3. LinkTechnical justification in support of EPA's intended (not final) nonattainment areas (ZIP)
  3. State Recommendations and EPA Response Documents
    LinkState 2000 Recommendation, State 2003 Recommendation, EPA Response and State Remarks on EPA Response
    Regions: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5 Link 6 Link 7 Link 8 Link 9 Link 10
  4. Link Docket (It takes a long time to load)
  5. Link Designated Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for All Pollutants - Green Book
    1. Link8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas
      1. Nonattainment Area Selections
        1. Area Listings
          1. Areas by Category/Classification
          2. Areas by Area Name
          3. Sorted by State/Area/County
          4. Sorted by Area/State/County
        2. Area Maps
          1. 8-Hour Ozone Attainment and Nonattainment Areas in the U.S.
          2. Classification of 8-Hour Nonattainment Ozone Areas
          3. Counties Designated Nonattainment for the 1- and/or 8-Hour Ozone Standard
          4. Individual State Maps with 8-Hour Areas
          5. Download Zip File of State Maps in Powerpoint Format (Very Large: >3 MB)
        3. Area Designation Data
          1. Air Quality Data, Population, Counties
        4. Summary Reports
          1. Nonattainment Area Summary Report
      2. Comparison to Other Standards
        1. Currently Designated 8-Hour Ozone and 1-Hour Ozone Areas
        2. Sorted by State/Area/County with 1-hr Ozone, CO, PM-10 Classifications
        3. Sorted by Area/State/County with 1-hr Ozone, CO, PM-10 Classifications
        4. 8-Hr Ozone and Currently Designated 1-Hr Ozone Areas
      3. Federal Register Notices
        1. 8-Hour Ozone Designation Federal Register Notice      [ HTML ]     [ PDF ]
      4. Contact information for questions on individual 8-Hour Ozone areas
    2. Criteria Pollutant Reports (On the Greenbook)
      1. Criteria Pollutant Reports (On the Greenbook)
        Note: Reports 1. and 4. do not currently include 8-hour Ozone.
        1. Criteria Pollutant Nonattainment Area Report
          This report includes the Number of Counties, Population and Classification with links to counties included in each area. The listing is by State then Area (all criteria pollutants on a single line) and includes designated Section 185A and Incomplete/No Data ozone nonattainment areas.
        2. Criteria Pollutant Nonattainment Area Detail Report
          This report contains a listing by State, Area then Pollutant (each pollutant on a separate line) and includes designated Section 185A and Incomplete/No Data ozone nonattainment areas.
        3. Currently Designated Nonattainment Areas for All Criteria Pollutants
          This report includes Counties Designated Nonattainment and contains a listing by State, County then Pollutant. It includes designated Section 185A and Incomplete/No Data ozone nonattainment areas.
        4. Nonattainment Status for Each County by Year for Each Pollutant
          This report includes Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas with History, and Counties Currently or Previously Designated Nonattainment. The listing is by State, County then Pollutant, and includes designated Section 185A and Incomplete/No Data ozone nonattainment areas.
  6. Link8-hour OZONE Early Action Compacts
    1. Link Early Action Compact agreements and supporting documents by state and area
    2. LinkRulemaking Notices
      1. Final Rule for First Deferred Effective Date (September 30, 2005)
      2. LinkPublished Final Rule for Air Quality Designations and Classifications for the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Early Action Compact Areas With Deferred Effective Dates ... Federal Register 69: 23858-23951 (PDF)
      3. Link April 15, 2004 Response to Comments Document for the following EPA Proposed Rules [1] Deferral of Effective Date of Nonattainment Designations for 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Early Action Compact Areas (Docket No. OAR-2003-0090-0278) and [2] Early Action Compact-related Comments for Proposed Rule to Implement the 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (Docket No. OAR-2003-0090-0717)
      4. Link April 15, 2004 Evaluation of Control Strategies and Technical Assessments for Early Action Compact Local Plans ... March 31, 2004 Milestone (Chapter 7 in 8-Hour Ozone Designations Technical Support Document) (PDF)
      5. LinkApril 30, 2004 Clean Air Ozone Designations Rule including information about Early Action Compact deferrals (PDF)
      6. Link December 16, 2003 Published Proposed Rule for First Deferred Effective Date ... Federal Register 68: 70108-70119 (PDF)
    3. LinkGuidance and Other Resources
      1. Link Weblinks to State and Local Websites (February 18, 2004) (PDF)
      2. Link Matrix of EPA Guidance Documents for Preparing EAC Control Measures (January 16, 2004) (PDF)
      3. Link Guidance for the June 16, 2003 Submission and Other Clarifications (January 16, 2004) (PDF)
      4. Link Schedule for 8-Hour Ozone Designations and its Effect on Early Action Compacts (November 14, 2002) (PDF)
      5. Link Protocol for Early Action Compacts Designed to Achieve and Maintain the 8-hour Ozone Standard (June 19, 2002) (PDF)
    4. Link Milestone Requirements
    5. Link Related Correspondence
    6. Link Frequently Asked Questions
    7. Link Summary of Local Measures Under Consideration by EAC Areas
    8. Link List of Early Action Compacts with Links to Area-Specific Submittals and Information
    9. Link Map - Location of Early Action Compacts (PDF)
  7. Data
    1. Area and County Designation Data
      1. Link Area Designation Data Located Under Each Pollutant (Example, 8-hr Ozone)
      2. Link Nonattainment and Maintenance County Data
      3. For database files Contact Us
    2. Link8-hour Ozone Air Quality Data (on Green Book)
    3. Link National Park Service Property in 8-hr Ozone Nonattainment Areas
  8. Guidance on Designations for the 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS
    1. Boundary Guidance - In another step to ensure that Americans breathe cleaner air, EPA on March 28, 2000, issued guidance for states to use in recommending areas to be designated as attainment and nonattainment for the 8-hour ozone standard. This non-binding guidance outlines an extensive process involving governors and EPA to eventually determine appropriate boundaries for the attainment and nonattainment areas. See the following for more information:
    2. LinkJune 25, 1999 Memo
    3. Link March 28, 2000 Fact Sheet on the boundary guidance LinkPDF
    4. Link March 28, 2000 Memo Boundary Guidance on Air Quality Designations for the 8-Hour Ozone Standard LinkPDF
    5. Link March 28, 2000 Memo that outlines the designation process Link PDF
    6. Link June 6, 2000 Letter to Ohio from EPA concerning designating violating areas as nonattainment
    7. Link July 18, 2000 Memo - Guidance on 8-Hour Ozone Designations for Indian Tribes
    8. Link March 14, 2002 Concent Decree - 8-hour Ozone Designations Schedule (PDF)
    9. LinkNovember 20, 2002 Federal Register, Proposed Consent Decree, Clean Air Act Citizen Suit Link (PDF)
    10. Link November 14, 2002 Schedule for 8-hour Ozone Designations and Its Effect on Early Action Compacts
    11. Link February 27, 2003 Extension for States and Tribes to Submit Air Quality Designation Recommendations for the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (PDF)
  9. Technical Information on Planning for the 8-hour Ozone Standard
    1. Link Technical Data - Summary and Detailed Emissions Inventory Data, Air Quality Data, Wind Roses, Modeling, Population Projections, Where People Work, Maps, (Data to aid in ozone designations)
      1. Link Web Pages Site Map to the Technical Data
      2. Link Quick link to specific pages
    2. Link Modeled 4th Daily Maximum 8-hour Average for Ozone
    3. Link Wind Roses
    4. Link Color-Shaded Relief Maps of the U.S. by State
    5. Link Population Projections by County
    6. Journey to Work
      1. Link Number of workers who commute to an MSA which is outside their county of residence (Summary)
      2. Link Number of workers who commute to an MSA which is outside their county of residence (Detailed County Data)
      3. Link Where People Work - By State Then County - Entire US
    7. Link Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) by State and County
    8. Link Distance to MSA from Counties
    9. Link Census Data - 1999 and 2003 Metropolitian Areas
    10. Link 8-hour Ozone NAAQS Implementation Rule Development
    11. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

H. Implementation Rule for the 1997 8-hour Ozone Standard

  1. LinkOzone 8-hour Implementation Approach
  2. Link Proposed Rule
  3. Link Public Comments and link to EPA's EDOCKET
  4. Link Issue Papers
  5. Link Planning Documents
  6. Link Meeting Materials
  7. Link EPA Correspondence
  8. Link Other Materials
  9. Link Air Quality Data
  10. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

I. Regional Transport NOx SIP Call, Section 126, and FIP Data and Information

  1. Link Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR)
  2. LinkRegional Transport of Ozone - NOx SIP Call - Transport FIPs - Section 126 Petitions - Ozone Transport Assessment Group (OTAG) - Related Files, Notices, etc. (main web site)
    1. LinkSection 126 Petitions--Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemakings
  3. Link February 22, 2002, Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules Link PDF
  4. Link February 22, 2002, Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions From New York and Connecticut Regarding Sources in Michigan; Revision of Definition of Applicable Requirement for Title V Operating Permit Programs Link PDF
  5. Final NOx SIP Call Rulemaking Federal Register Notice (63 FR 57356, October 27, 1998)
    1. Link pages start at 57356-57404 PDF
    2. Link pages 57405-57454 PDF
    3. Link 57455-end PDF
    4. Link ZIP
  6. Link Final Rule Making Findings of Failure to Submit Required State Implementation Plans for the NOx SIP Call Federal Register Notice (65 FR 81366, December 26, 2000) Link If not available
  7. Link OAR Policy and Guidance - Site Index
    1. LinkInformation on Rules for Reducing Regional Transport of Ground-Level Ozone (NOx SIP Call)
    2. Link Reopening of Emissions Inventory Comment Periods for the Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemakings on Section 126 Petitions and Federal Implementation Plans for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Transport of Ozone (PDF)
    3. Link NOx SIP Call Frequently Asked Questions, Volume #1 WPD
    4. Link NOx SIP Call Budget and Modeling Inventory Technical Support Document WPD
    5. Link NOx SIP Call Response to Significant Comments Document WPD
  8. LinkTransitional Conformity Data and Information
  9. Clear Skies Initiative
    1. Link Clear Skies Initiative Home Page
    2. Link Technical Information
  10. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

J. NOx Documents and Memos

  1. LinkNitrogen Oxides: Impacts on Public Health and the Environment 8-97 PDF Link WPD
  2. LinkNOx Policy Documents for the CAA of 1990 3/96 PDF Link WPD
  3. LinkNOx Controls/Costs - Cement Kilns - Update of ACT Document - 9/15/2000
  4. LinkNOx Controls/Costs - Internal Combustion Engines - Update of ACT Document - 9/01/2000
  5. NOx Documents - Alternative Control Technique (ACT) Documents
    1. EXE is self-extracting ZIP file containing WPD files and or TXT files, ZIP files generally contain WPD files
    2. Link NOx Nitric and Adipic Acid Plants (EPA-450/3-91-026) PDF LinkZIP
    3. Link NOx Emissions from Cement Manufacturing (EPA453/R-94-004) PDF LinkZIP
    4. Link NOx Emissions from Process Heater (Revised) (EPA-453/R-93-034) PDF Link EXE
    5. Link NOx Emissions from Glass Manufacturing (EPA-453/R-94-037) PDF LinkEXE
    6. Link NOx Emissions from Iron & Steel Mills (EPA-453/R-94-065) PDF Link EXE
    7. Link NOx Emissions from Stationary Gas Turbine (EPA-453/R-93-007) PDF Link EXE
    8. Link NOx Emissions from Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (ICI) Boilers (EPA-453/R-94-022) PDF Link ZIP LinkTXT
    9. Link NOx Emissions from Utility Boiler; (EPA-453/R-94-023) PDF LinkZIP
    10. Link Internal Combustion NOx Part 1 & 2 (EPA-453/R-93-032); Part 1 contains WP5, WP6 and TXT files; 1193 kb ZIP Link Part 2 contains WP6 and TXT files
  6. Policy and Guidance Memos
    1. Link State Implementation Plan (SIP) Call for Reducing Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)-- Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (8-22-02) PDF
    2. Link Summary of State NOx RACT Rules PDFLink WPD
    3. Link Summary of State/Local NOx Regulations - Stationary Sources - 5/04 PDFLink XLS
    4. Link 1992 Nitrogen Oxides Supplement to the General Preamble for the Implementation of Title I Link ZIP
    5. Link NOx emission budget concept PDFLink WPD
    6. Link 1994 - Clarify NOx Substitution PDFLink WPD
    7. Link Q's and A's NOx Emission Policy PDFLink WPD
    8. Link Revised process NOx exemptions PDFLink WPD
    9. Link NOx Q's and A's PDFLink WPD
    10. Link NOx RACT cost effective control technology PDFLink WPD
    11. Link RACT for repowering utility boilers PDFLink WPD
    12. Link Fuel switching to meet RACT for NOx PDFLink WPD
    13. Link De Minimus Value for NOx RACT PDFLink WPD
    14. Link NOx Exemptions 2-8-95 PDFLink WPD
    15. Link Scope of NOx Exemptions (1995) PDFLink WPD
    16. Link NOx Substitution Guidance 8-5-94 in ZIP
    17. Link Final NOx Exemption Guidance/Trans Memo 12-16-93 in ZIP
    18. Link Applicability of NOx Requirements Sect. 182f PDFLink WPD
    19. Link NOx Substitution Guidance 12-15-93 PDFLink WPD
  7. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

K. Contacts - US EPA and Other Federal and State Agency Contacts

L. US Code, Federal Regulations, Court Decisions

  1. Link US Code Exit EPA disclaimer
  2. LinkConstitution, Statutes, and Codes Exit EPA disclaimer
  3. LinkSearch GPO Access Databases Exit EPA disclaimer
  4. Link GPO Access Online Resources: A-Z Resource List Exit EPA disclaimer
  5. LinkLaws and Regulations
  6. Clean Air Act
    1. LinkClean Air Act
    2. Link Full Text of Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments (see 1/25/91 at bottom of list)
    3. Link Full Text of the Clean Air Act In HTML format
  7. Federal Register
  8. LinkFederal Register - Online via GPO Access Exit EPA disclaimer
  9. LinkFederal Register - by Day Exit EPA disclaimer
  10. LinkThe List of CFR Sections Affected lists proposed, new, and amended Federal regulations that have been published in the Federal Register since the most recent revision date of a CFR title. Exit EPA disclaimer
  11. LinkRetrieve an FR Page Exit EPA disclaimer
  12. Link The Code of Federal Regulations - Top Page Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link CFR 1997-2004 Exit EPA disclaimer
    2. Link Code of Federal Regulations: Retrieve by CFR Citation Exit EPA disclaimer
    3. Link CFR Title 40 - EPA - 2004 Exit EPA disclaimer
    4. Link 40 CFR 50 Link as PDF (Large file)
    5. Link40 CFR 51 Linkas PDF (Large file)
      1. Link 40 CFR 51.100(s) - Definition - Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
    6. 40 CFR 52 (first part) Link as PDF (Large file)
    7. 40 CFR 52 continued Link as PDF (Large file)
    8. Link 40 CFR 58 Link as PDF (Large file)
    9. 40 CFR 81--DESIGNATION OF AREAS - Subpart C--Section 107 Attainment Status Designations As of:
      1. LinkJuly 1, 2004 Linkas PDF
      2. Link July 1, 2003 Linkas PDF
      3. Link July 1, 2002 Linkas PDF
      4. Link July 1, 2001 Link as PDF
      5. LinkJuly 1, 2000
      6. LinkJuly 1, 1999
      7. LinkJuly 1, 1998
      8. LinkJuly 1, 1997
      9. LinkJuly 1, 1996
      10. Link March 3, 1978 Designations as PDF (large file 4 meg)
      11. Link EPA Summary of Nonattainment Areas (Green Book)
  13. LinkEPA Federal Register Environmental Documents
    1. LinkAir
  14. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR)
    1. Link 40 CFR Title 40: Protection of Environment
    2. Link Chapter I - including Subchapter C - Air
    3. Link Part 50--National Primary And Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards
    4. Link Part 51--Requirements For Preparation, Adoption, And Submittal Of Implementation Plans
    5. Link Part 52 (52.01 to 52.1018)- Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans
    6. Link Part 52 (52.1019--End) - Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans
    7. Link Part 81--Designation Of Areas For Air Quality Planning Purposes
  15. LinkFederal and State Government Regulations and Program References
  16. LinkFederal Register Notices for NAAQS (Title I)- Proposed and Final Preambles and Rules
  17. Federal Court Decisions Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link Supreme Court Decisions
    2. Link U.S. Court of Appeals
    3. Link U.S. Court of Appeals (Emory Law School)
    4. Link U.S. Court of Appeals: First Circuit
    5. Link Second Circuit
    6. Link Third Circuit
    7. Link Fouth Circuit
    8. Link Fifth Circuit
    9. Link Sixth Circuit
    10. Link Seventh Circuit
    11. Link Eighth Circuit
    12. Link Ninth Circuit
    13. Link Tenth Circuit
    14. Link Eleventh Circuit
    15. Link D.C.
    16. Link Federal Circuit
  18. Link EPA Dockets (EDOCKET) Dockets contain Federal Register notices, support documents, and public comments for regulations the Agency publishes and various non-regulatory activities.
  19. Link July 2, 2002, Court Ruling Vacating the Washington, DC, SIP
  20. Link July 10, 2002, Sierra Club vs EPA - Bump Up of 1hr Nonattainment Areas (PDF)
  21. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

M. Reference Books, Conversion Factors, etc.

  1. Link This file lists all counties in the United States defined as of January 1, 1990, alphabetically by State with related codes. There are several codes shown: FIPS MSA/CMSA/NECMA code, PMSA, FIPS State and County, then State and County Name Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link If not on Census web site
    2. Link Federal Information Processing System (FIPS) state and county codes only
    3. Link All Counties and CMSAs (FIPS Codes) with 1999 MSAs (with C/MSA codes not approved by Census, etc)
  2. Acronyms and Abbreviations
    1. Link Terms of the Environment
    2. Link DOE Ames Lab - Acronyms Used by Environmental Groups and Agencies Exit EPA disclaimer
  3. Link North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is replacing the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system Exit EPA disclaimer
  4. Link ZIP Code look up Exit EPA disclaimer
  5. Link Metric Conversions Exit EPA disclaimer
  6. Link National Institute of Standards and Technology CLOCK - TIME Link Clock using Java Link Clock without Java (In Netscape do View, Reload to update clock) Exit EPA disclaimer Link Time Zone Conversion Link Time
  7. Link Univ. of Michigan Reference - Census etc Exit EPA disclaimer
  8. Link EPA's Web Guide
  9. Link Computer CPU Useage (must be inside EPAs firewall)
  10. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

N. Other Information (including Memoranda)

  1. 1-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstrations - On Dec. 1, 1999, EPA proposed to take action on air quality plans for 10 major urban areas. These plans, known as 1-hour attainment demonstrations, outline emission reductions necessary for the areas to meet the 1-hour standard for ground-level ozone or smog. The 10 affected areas are: Atlanta; Baltimore; Chicago/Gary IN; Greater Connecticut; Houston/Galveston; Milwaukee; New York/Northern New Jersey/Long Island; Philadelphia/Wilmington/Trenton; Springfield MA; and Metropolitan Washington D.C. Attainment demonstrations for these areas will involve 13 states and the District of Columbia. Link Fact Sheet (PDF) Link Information about each area (PDF)
    1. Link Notice of Proposed Actions on Attainment Demonstrations for the One-Hour National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone
    2. Notices for the following areas:
      Atlanta, GA;
      Baltimore, MD;
      Chicago/Gary IL;
      Chicago/Gary IN;
      Greater Connecticut;
      Houston/Galveston, TX;

      Milwaukee, WI;
      New York/Northern New Jersey/Long Island, NY;
      New York/Northern New Jersey/Long Island CT;
      New Jersey - New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island nonattainment area(NAA) and the Philadelphia, Wilmington, Trenton NAA
      Philadelphia/Wilmington/Trenton, DE; Philadelphia/Wilmington/Trenton, MD;
      Philadelphia/Wilmington/Trenton, PA; Springfield MA;
      and Metropolitan Washington D.C., VA, MD
  2. Link SIP Call for Birmingham, AL (Final Notice October 27, 2000) LinkProposal Notice
  3. Link SIPs in Region 5
  4. Link Region 7 Federally Approved Regulations
  5. Link EPA analyses of costs, benefits, and economic and regulatory impacts of air quality management strategies, programs, and regulations
  6. Link Reports for NAAQS (Title I) - Regulatory Impact Analyses (RIA)
  7. Link NARSTO Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link NARSTO - Southern Oxidants Study Exit EPA disclaimer
  8. Link South Coast AQMD regulations Exit EPA disclaimer
  9. Link BEA - Bureau of Economic Analysis - National Growth Forecasts 1996-2007 and 1996-2030 PDF
  10. Link EPA Ozone Depletion by EPA's Global Programs Division
  11. Link National Resources Inventory - U.S. Department of Agriculture Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link Land Developed, 1992 - 1997
  12. Indian Lands Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link Bureau of Indian Affairs
    2. Link Maps of Indian Lands
    3. Link Databases (AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)
    4. Link EPA Tribal Air Web Site
    5. Link NTERI National Tribal Environmental Research Institute
  13. Link Protected Areas - Class I Link List of 156 Mandatory Class I Federal Areas
  14. Link EPA's Regional Haze Program
  15. Link Visibility in our Nation's Parks and Wilderness Areas
  16. Link DOE-EPA - Fuel Economy and Efficiency, Gas Prices Exit EPA disclaimer
  17. Link Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program Exit EPA disclaimer
    1. Link Populations and Weights By State, Nonattainment/Maintenance Area and County for FY 2003
    2. Link FY 2003 CMAQ Program Apportionments
  18. Link North Carolina Pollution Prevention Exit EPA disclaimer
  19. Link It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air is a public education and partnership-building initiative by EPA and DOT to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution Exit EPA disclaimer
  20. Link EPA Green Vehicles Website
  21. Link Environmental Data Registry (EDR) definition, source, and uses of environmental data, catalogs EPA's data collections and helps locate environmental information, and Data Standards
  22. Link EPA - Software for Environmental Awareness
  23. Link EPA - Climate Change
  24. Link EPA - Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
  25. Link Canada - Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Exit EPA disclaimer
  26. Link Clean Air in Canada Exit EPA disclaimer
  27. Link Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis Exit EPA disclaimer
  28. Link EPA Contracts Current Procurements, to download Requests for Proposals, and other CMD-RTP procurement-related matters.
  29. Memoranda
  30. LinkMemoranda for NAAQS (Title I) Policy & Guidance Memos Including:
    1. 1-hour Ozone Attainment Demonstrations and Tier 2/Sulfur Rulemaking: November 1999 Guidance Memo
    2. Guidance on the Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) Requirement and Attainment Demonstration Submissions for Ozone Nonattainment Areas
      1. Link RACM Analysis for Four Serious Areas Designated Nonattainment for 1-hr Ozone NAAQS - PDF Link WPD
      2. Link RACM Analysis -- Attachment 2 (RACM stationary source analysis) spreadsheet format
    3. Guidance on Designations for the 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard
    4. Guideline on Data Handling Conventions for the 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS
    5. Second Extension of January 25,1995 Potential to Emit Transition Policy and Clarification of Interim Policy
    6. Re-Issue of Early Planning Guidance for the Revised Ozone and Particulate Matter (PM) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
      1. Link Re-issue of the Early Planning Guidance for the Revised Ozone and Particulate Matter (PM) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) in Wordperfect and PDF June 16, 1998
      2. Link in HTML format to view on web
    7. Guidance for Implementing the 1-Hour Ozone and Pre-Existing PM10 NAAQS
    8. Extending the Date to Meet Ozone Standards for Areas Affected by Transport for Upwind Areas Policy
    9. EPA letter to Governors on interim final stay on section 126 petitions for reducing interstate ozone transport
    10. "Transport Policy" -- Notice of Proposed Interpretation and Request for Comments to Allow Areas Affected by Transport of Pollutants from Upwind Areas more time to meet the One-Hour Ground-Level Ozone Air Quality Standard
  31. Link Federal Implementation Plans To Reduce the Regional Transport of Ozone; Proposed Rule October 21, 1998
  32. Link DOT - FHWA - Status of Sanction Clocks Exit EPA disclaimer
  33. Link TTN - 1996 State Implementation Guidance Document - Municipal Waste Combustion: Summary of the Requirements for Section 111(d)/129 State Plans for Implementing the Municipal Waste Combustor Emission Guidelines (EPA-456R-96-003 (MWC5.zip)
  34. Link Federal Register Notices for NAAQS (Title I)- Proposed and Final Preambles and Rules
  35. Air Cleaning Devices for the Home
    1. Link Ozone Generators That Are Sold As Air Cleaners (EPA Publication)
    2. Link Hotlines and Resources - Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Information Clearinghouse 1-800-438-4318
    3. Link Air Cleaning Devices for the Home Exit EPA disclaimer
  36. Link Satellite Remote Sensing - home page
  37. Link NASA - Earth Observatory's - The Ozone We Breath Link Ozone Depletion, Monitoring Ozone from Space etc
  38. Link National Cancer Institute - Cancer Mortality - Maps and Graphs
  39. Link Watershed Assessment, Tracking & Environmental Results
  40. Ozone Flex
    1. Link Supporting Innovative, Voluntary Strategies to Reduce Smog: Ozone Flex Program Memo of 6-22-01
    2. Link EPA's Ozone Flex Guidelines - Factsheet
    3. Link Region 6 Ozone Flex Program
  41. Link Stage II Vapor Recovery Systems Issue Paper
  42. Link Model Volatile Organic Compound Rules for Reasonably Available Control Technology, June 1992 and June 24, 1992 Memorandum From G. T. Helms
  43. Link Memorandum - Exemption for Low-Use Coatings, G. T. Helms August 10, 1990
  44. Link VOC Blue Book, May 25, 1988 - Issues Relating to VOC Regulation Cutpoints, Deficiencies and Deviations - Clarification to Appendix D of November 24, 1987 Federal Register
  45. Link Record keeping Guidance Document for Surface Coating Operations and the Graphics Arts Industry, EPA 340/1-88-003, July 1989
  46. Link A Guideline for Surface Coating Calculations, EPA-340/1-86-016, July 1986
  47. Link Title I General Preamble 1990 of the Clean Air Act (ZIP)
  48. Link Memorandum - Deadlines for Electric Generating Units (EGUs) and Non-Electric Generating Units (non-EGUs) under the Section 126 Rule - January 16, 2002 Link WPD
  49. Link Control Cost Manual - Chapters
  50. Link General Conformity Regulations
    1. Link General Conformity Guidance: Questions and Answers - July 13, 1994 (PDF)
    2. Link General Conformity Guidance: Questions and Answers - October 19, 1994 (PDF)
    3. Link Region IX Memorandum to David Kessler of FAA, January 25, 1996 (PDF)
  51. Link Nevada Hydrographic Regions/Basins Exit EPA disclaimer
  52. Link Return to Table of Contents at the top of this page

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