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The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children
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National Interstate Case Reconciliation

In September 2002, the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) conducted a study to gauge state interest in an Interstate Case Reconciliation (ICR) project to be performed at the national level. Based on the interest level among the states, in May 2003 OCSE decided to proceed with the project.

Participating states will write and transmit to OCSE an extract file of all cases they consider interstate. OCSE will match the extracts with all participating states' extracts (or with FCR-derived data for non-participating states), and return the matched cases (broken down by error reason codes) for state reconciliation.

ICR Project Purpose

  • Improve service to families with interstate cases
  • Improve electronic communication among states
  • Establish state and national baselines of interstate cases
  • Establish clear accountability for interstate case processing

ICR Benefits to States

  • Facilitates interstate communication and greater use of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and CSENet, by synchronizing state case numbers
  • Focuses state resources by establishing a true interstate caseload
  • Provides states with the opportunity to close duplicate interstate cases

Information provided on this page is to assist state participants in the ICR project. If further assistance is needed, please see the contact information provided below.

Technical Operations Information

Note: OCSE has a CSENet ICR effort. That effort involves single state-to-single state reconciliation, rather than national reconciliation.

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Last Reviewed: February 10, 2009