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New Chemicals Program Roster

Two branches in OPPT's Chemical Control Division manage the New Chemicals Program: the New Chemicals Prenotice Branch and the New Chemicals Notice Management Branch.

The New Chemicals Prenotice Branch facilitates all prenotice communications and assists potential submitters in determining whether their chemical substances require premanufacture notice. This branch is also responsible for outreach, TSCA section 5 policy formulation and interpretation, and coordinating the review of all section 5 exemption notices (i.e., low volume (LVE), low releases and low exposures (LoREX), and test marketing (TME)). Routine questions about forms, publications, general policies, etc. are handled by the TSCA Hotline (by telephone at 202/554-1404 and facsimile at 202/554-5603.) To check on the EPA review status of a particular exemption notice, click on the "Premanufacture Notice Status" link in the left margin of this page.

For answers to questions about procedural, technical, or regulatory requirements prior to submitting a PMN, submitters can call a PMN prenotice coordinator:

David Schutz, 202/564-9262
Miriam Wiggins-Lewis, 202/564-9373

Other members of the New Chemicals Prenotice Branch are:

Greg Schweer, Acting Branch Chief, 202/564-8469
Anna Coutlakis, 202/564-9207
Carolyn Day, 202/564-8109
Tracey Pennington, 202/564-2209
Roy Seidenstein, 202/564-9274
Adella Underdown, 202/564-9364

The New Chemicals Notice Management Branch is charged with managing the process for Premanufacture Notices (PMNs) submitted under TSCA. Submissions which are under active review post-FOCUS meeting are generally the subject of active communication between the EPA notice manager and the submitter (The FOCUS meeting is where risk management decisions occur, at approximately day 20 of the PMN review process). To check on the EPA review status of a particular PMN, click on the "Premanufacture Notice Status" link in the left margin of this page.

The roster of the New Chemicals Notice Management Branch is:

Greg Schweer, Branch Chief, 202/564-8469
Rose Allison, 202/564-8970
James Alwood, 202/564-8974
Jeff Bauer, 202/564-9042
Audrey Binder, 202/564-9033
Karen Chu, 202/564-8773
Geraldine Hilton, 202/564-8986
Darlene Jones, 202/564-9047
Zofia Kosim, 202/564-8733
Virginia Lee, 202/564-0883
Kristan Markey, 202/564-8716
Lorraine Passe, 202/564-9064
Edna Pleasants-Williams, 202/564-9114

To find whether a particular PMN or TSCA section 5 exemption submission has been entered into the document tracking system of the New Chemicals Program (within the first ten days of its having been sent to the Agency) call one of the following people in the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics' (OPPT's) Information Management Division:

For PMNs:

Vanessa Williams, 202/564-8957
Bernice Mudd, 202/564-8951

For Exemption Notices (LVE, LoREX, TME):

Michel Roberts, 202/564-8953

EPA contractor staff members are also available to answer specific questions, when necessary, about the status of submittals in the pre-Focus period:

Katherine Barton,
Christina Stanley,


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