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BeppoSAX U.S. Coordination Facility

Access the HEASARC mirror of the

Science Data Center Web Site

About this Mirror

On this server the mirror consists of a copy of all the html pages available from the Science Data Center (SDC) located in Rome, Italy. The local mirror site is regularly updated to reflect changes in the SDC html pages. The last update was done at Wed Nov 13 21:15:44 EST 2002 .

The links in the html pages to their ftp area and to the local application programs are left unchanged. Therefore clicking on these hyperlinks the user will be connected directly to the site in Italy and depending on traffic network non-european or non-italian users may experience some delays.

To facilitate retrieving documents and data files located in the SDC ftp area users can find on the local server a copy of the SDC ftp area. On the local ftp area ( machine), data and documents concerning the BeppoSAX mission are located in the /sax directory.

Note: These pages are the mirror of the Italian Space Agency's BeppoSAX site. As such, they are not 508 compliant but are mirrored here for the benefit of our North American observers.

If you have any questions concerning BeppoSAX go to the Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 15-Jan-2008 11:41:59 EST

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