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The SunWise School Program Guide

"I have a vision of the Earth made green again through the efforts of children. I can see children of all nations planting trees and holding hands around the globe in celebration of the Earth as their home and all children, all people as their family."
- Richard St.Barbe Baker


Children spend lots of time outdoors during recess, physical education classes, after-school activities, and sports programs. While some exposure to sunlight can be enjoyable and healthy, too much can be dangerous. Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause serious health effects, including skin cancer and other skin disorders, eye damage and cataracts, and immune system suppression. Currently, one in five Americans develops skin cancer during their lifetime. Every hour one person dies from this disease. The incidence of melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer, is increasing faster than almost every form of cancer. (American Cancer Society, "Cancer Facts & Figures 1999.")

You can make a difference! Children are of particular concern since most of the average person's lifetime sun exposure occurs before the age of 18. By educating ourselves and our children about UV-related health effects and the steps for sun protection, we can ensure a healthy future for the next generation.

Without the sun's light and heat, our planet could not support human, animal, or plant life. While necessary for our existence, however, the sun also can threaten our health with its UV radiation. UV radiation comes in several forms (i.e., UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C) that affect human health in different ways. In particular, we must protect ourselves from UV-A and UV-B, which penetrate the Earth's stratospheric ozone layer.

"Skin cancer can be prevented... I think. We haven't discussed that in school." - Middle School Student, age 13.
[Quotation from introduction of National Health Education Standards, p.11.]

Due to the depletion of the ozone layer, increased levels of harmful UV radiation are likely to reach the Earth. These heightened levels may cause the incidence and severity of UV-related health effects to rise, particularly given current sun-protection practices in the United States. Since the condition of the ozone layer is not expected to improve significantly until the middle of the 21st century, we need to change our sun behaviors now in order to protect our future health.

Many believe that only lighter-skinned people need to be concerned about the effects of overexposure to the sun. Though it is true that darker skin has more natural pigment, which acts as a protectant, the skin is still susceptible to many of the damaging effects of UV radiation. The incidence of skin cancer is lower in dark-skinned people, but it still occurs and is often not detected until later stages when it is more dangerous. The risk of other UV-related health effects, such as cataracts, premature aging of the skin, and immune suppression, is not dependent upon skin type.

The good news is that UV-related health effects are largely preventable by instituting sun-protection practices early and consistently. Schools and teachers can play a major role in protecting children by teaching sun safety behaviors.

To help educators raise sun safety awareness, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed the SunWise School Program, a national education program for children in grades K through 8. SunWise Partner Schools sponsor classroom and schoolwide activities that raise children's awareness of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and simple sun safety practices. SunWise is a collaborative effort of schools, communities, teachers, parents, health professionals, environmental

SunWise Partner Schools sponsor classroom and schoolwide activities that raise children's awareness of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and simple sun safety practices. SunWise is a collaborative effort of schools, communities, teachers, parents, health professionals, environmental groups, meteorologists, educational organizations, and others. With everyone's help, sun protection can grow beyond classrooms to the entire community.

The SunWise School Program Guide is designed to provide school administrators, teachers, nurses, and other childhood caregivers with a general overview of SunWise and the components of the program. Additional brochures and fact sheets are available by calling EPA's Stratospheric Ozone Information Hotline at 800 296-1996.

SunWise is intended to actively engage children in the learning process. Its dual focus on health and the environment will help children develop the skills necessary for sustained SunWise behavior and an appreciation for the environment around them.

The SunWise School Program

The SunWise School Program is an environmental and health education program that aims to teach children and their caregivers how to protect themselves from overexposure to the sun. Through the use of classroom-based, school-based, and community-based components, SunWise seeks to develop sustained sun-safe behaviors in schoolchildren.

The program's learning components build on a solid combination of traditional and innovative education practices already in use in many U.S. elementary and middle schools. Through the program, students and teachers will increase their awareness of simple steps they can take to protect themselves from overexposure to the sun. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks. Children also will acquire scientific knowledge and develop an under-standing of the environmental concepts related to sun protection.

The program encourages schools to provide a sun-safe infrastructure, including shade structures (e.g., canopies, trees) and policies (e.g., using hats, sunscreen, sunglasses) that promote sun protection in a school setting. Though based in schools, SunWise also supports community partnerships, such as inviting guest speakers to school assemblies, to enhance sun safety efforts.

Recognizing the many issues schools are asked to address daily, SunWise has been developed with the needs of schools and educators in mind. The program is designed to provide maximum flexibility elements can be used as stand-alone teaching tools or to complement existing school curricula. The time commitment necessary to implement SunWise is minimal, while the potential payoff in lower skin cancer rates and other health benefits in the future is high.

The SunWise School Program has been targeted for national implementation in the 2000-2001 school year. The components of the SunWise Program outlined below are available to Partner Schools free of charge.

SunWise School Program Components

  • SunWise Student Survey
  • Cross-Curricular Classroom Lessons
  • Internet Learning, Including UV Measurement and Reporting
  • Evaluation of SunWise School Program
  • Suggestions for Infrastructure Enhancements (e.g., sun-safe policies and structures)
  • Ideas for School-Based Sun Safety Activities (e.g., school assemblies)
  • Evaluation of SunWise School Program
  • Suggestions for Community Partnerships (e.g., guest speakers and business partnerships)

How Do We Become a SunWise Partner School?

Becoming a SunWise Partner School is easy! Any elementary or middle school in the United States may participate in the SunWise School Program. A single classroom, multiple classrooms, a school, or an entire school district may join. To become a SunWise Partner School, you must:

  1. Register as a SunWise Partner School. Educators are asked to complete the registration form. Printed copies also can be downloaded from the Web site. A hard copy can be found in the middle of this guide as well. EPA knows the registration form requires a substantial amount of information and appreciates your efforts to fill it out as completely as possible.
  2. A random sample of participants will be asked to complete the SunWise Student Survey before and after implementation of SunWise Activities. This simple, 10-minute questionnaire, developed by Boston University's Skin Cancer Prevention Team, elicits basic information on attitudes and practices of children relating to sun exposure. This survey will provide information for evaluation purposes only. All personal information will remain confidential.
  3. Adopt a least one of the following supplemental SunWise Activities:

    • Cross-curricular classroom lessons.
    • UV measurement and reporting on the Internet.
    • School infrastructure enhancements (school policy changes and/or sun-protection structures).
    • Community outreach (inviting guest speakers and forming business partnerships).

What Tools Are Available to SunWise Partner Schools?

Based on the activities you choose, you will receive, free of charge, materials and tools to help you implement SunWise in your classroom or school.

SunWise Tool Kit

A Tool Kit containing cross-curricular classroom lessons and background information for K through 8th grade learning levels is available to all SunWise Partner Schools. The Tool Kit consists of a variety of fun, developmentally appropriate activities that combine education about sun protection and the environment with other aspects of learning.

Information for schools interested in promoting sun protection through infrastructure enhancements also is available in the Tool Kit. These materials feature suggestions on reaching out to schools and families with sun safety policies, forming community partnerships, making structural changes, and organizing sun safety events. The Tool Kit also includes an extensive list of other sun-protection resources.

SunWise Internet Learning Site and UV Database

In order to make the best use of innovative educational and information-sharing technologies, EPA developed an Internet Learning Site as part of its main SunWise Program Web site. An easy-to-use, interactive medium for children, the Internet Learning Site features drop-down lists, check boxes, radio buttons, and eye-catching icons. Students and teachers can use the site to:

  • Report and interpret daily measurements of UV radiation.
  • Participate in online, interactive educational activities.
  • Locate additional resources on sun protection, health, and the environment.

Through the Internet Learning Site, students can enter daily UV data, weather conditions, and information regarding daily sun-protection practices. The students' UV measurements will consist of:

  • Community-specific UV Index data derived from the National Weather Service Web site.
  • Actual data obtained from hand-held UV monitoring devices (lent to schools by the SunWise Program).

Once schools register, teachers will receive secure IDs for entering daily UV data on the Internet Learning Site.

How Will SunWise Be Evaluated?

The SunWise School Program recognizes a particular challenge in measuring the effectiveness of its effort to create sustained SunWise behavior, especially given the latency period associated with the onset of UV-related health effects. Therefore, the careful and consistent evaluation of program effectiveness through a variety of interim measurements including input from educators and students is integral to SunWise's success. In addition to the SunWise Student Survey, EPA plans to utilize other voluntary evaluation tools, including:

  • SunWise Parent Survey: Research indicates that child behaviors are based, in large part, on modeling adult behaviors. If possible, randomly selected schools will ask parents to complete a simple, 10-minute take-home survey to identify their current sun safety practices and observed behavior of their children. (Note: Surveying is conducted for the sole purpose of evaluating the SunWise Program to help improve its messages and approaches. All personal information will remain anonymous and confidential.)
  • Teacher Evaluation of Classroom Activities: Teachers will be asked to evaluate student receptivity to sun safety lessons and Internet learning. Teacher feedback about the usefulness of classroom and school mate-rials will be vital to the refinement of sun safety education materials.
  • Teacher and School Administrator Evaluation of Infrastructure Improvements: Teachers and school administrators will be asked to evaluate the practicality and success of proposed sun-protection policy changes, infrastructure enhancements, and the SunWise Program as a whole.

Why Should Schools Participate in SunWise?

Being a part of SunWise is a fun, easy, and effective way to protect the health of the children in your school. SunWise is a national education program designed to teach children not only about the health effects of over-exposure to UV radiation and how to avoid them, but also about the environmental effects of ozone depletion. The program focuses on the whole spectrum of health effects, including skin cancer, eye damage, and other illnesses, and is appropriate for diverse school populations nationwide. Though based in schools, SunWise also encourages a sustained connection between schools and their communities. By participating in SunWise, children will enhance their creativity, critical thinking, data collection, reading, problem solving, decision-making, and communication skills.

EPA is currently exploring options for recognition incentives (e.g., stickers, bookmarks, water bottles, and more). Teachers also will receive a certifi-cate acknowledging their accomplishment. Finally, the possibility of a SunWise Helios Award for Sun-Protection Education is currently being explored. This award would recognize innovative and exemplary efforts in the area of sun-protection education. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting possibility!

Be SunWise: Action Steps for Sun Protection

The SunWise School Program has developed a set of action steps for sun protection that can be used in the classroom, on the playground, or elsewhere to help reduce students and adults risk from UV radiation. With these steps, preventing overexposure to the sun is simple. You and your stu-dents should always take the following precautions:

(Sundial or Clock)

Limit Time in the Midday Sun

The sun's UV rays are the strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. To the extent possible, limit exposure to the sun during these hours.

[UV Index Meter)

Watch for the UV Index

This important resource helps you plan your outdoor activities in ways that prevent overexposure to the sun's rays. Developed by the National Weather Service and EPA, the UV Index is issued daily in selected cities across the country. The UV Index uses numbers to represent the likely level of UV exposure (Minimal: 0-2; Low: 3-4; Moderate: 5-6; High: 7-9; Very High: 10+). While you should always take precautions against overexposure, take special care to adopt sun safety practices when the UV Index predicts exposure levels of moderate or above.

(Cartoon Character with Umbrella for Shade)

Use Shade Wisely

Seek shade when UV rays are the most intense, but keep in mind that shade structures (e.g., trees, umbrellas, canopies) do not offer complete sun protection. Students can easily remember the shadow rule: Watch Your Shadow - No Shadow, Seek Shade! (Downham, T.F., The shadow rule: A simple method for sun protection. In Journal of the Southern Medical Association, July 1998, 91:7, 619-623.)

(Man Wearing a Hat]

Wear Protective Clothing

A hat with a wide brim offers good sun protection for your eyes, ears, face, and the back of your neck. Sunglasses that provide 99 to 100 percent UV-A and UV-B protection will greatly reduce eye damage from sun exposure. Wrap-around sunglasses provide the most protection. Tightly woven, loose fitting clothes will provide additional protection from the sun.

(Sunscreen Bottle]

Use Sunscreen

Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 15+ liberally and reapply every 2 hours, or after working, swimming, playing, or exercising outdoors.

(No Tanning sign)

Avoid Sunlamps and Tanning Parlors

The light source from sunbeds and sun lamps damages the skin and unprotected eyes and is best avoided entirely.


Remember, everyday exposure counts! You don't have to be actively sunbathing to get a damaging dose of the sun - take care even when having lunch outside, going on school field trips, taking part in after-school activities, or participating in sports programs. Inform your friends and family about these simple sun safety steps. You could save a life!

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
- Benjamin Franklin

Each time you go out in the sun, apply an ounce of sunscreen as part of your sun-protection routine!


The SunWise School Program would like to thank the many teachers, parents, communities, health professionals, educators, meteorologists, nonprofit organizations, environmental groups, scientists, and others who have helped make the SunWise vision a reality. Your commitment, energy, and dedication are truly remarkable, and the SunWise School Program sincerely appreciates your valuable efforts.

The SunWise School Program is one of several EPA EMPACT projects. SunWise would like to thank the EMPACT Program for its support and assistance. For information about the EMPACT Program, please call 202 564-6791 or visit the EMPACT web site.

For more information see our Contacts page

[May 2000; EPA 430-K-00-005]


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