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Administration on Developmental Disabilitiesskip to primary page content

Developmental Disabilities Program
Areas of Emphasis


The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, refers to ten areas of importance or “Areas of Emphasis” that have a strong impact on the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Housing related Activities is one of these areas. The Developmental Disability Grantees often work to improve access to housing and community supports because there is a great need for accessible affordable housing and supports that enable individuals with developmental disabilities to live independently in their communities. The following links will lead you to projects, activities, and resources in the area of housing by ADD grantees and other agencies.

Housing Activities of ADD Grantees - ADD Projects of National Significance in the area of housing. To view the other Projects of National Significance go to - Association of University Centers on Disabilities National Information and Reporting System (NIRS) Search for University Center projects on housing. - Search Addup, the Administration on Developmental Disabilities online resource for communication and collaboration. - Search the National Protection and Advocacy Website for information on housing. - Search or call ADD grantee programs by state for information on housing in your state.

Federal Web Site - Search for information on housing.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) information for people with disabilities. - HUD’s local Office Directory.

Resources for on homeownership, and Public Housing

Housing Choice Vouchers - Low-income families can use vouchers for the purchase or lease of affordable housing.

Public Housing Authority contacts -

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
451 7th Street S.W., Washington, DC 20410
Telephone: (202) 708-1112 TTY: (202) 708-1455

Housing Discrimination

HUD Housing Discrimination Hotline 800 800-3088
If you experience discrimination, you can also contact the Protection and Advocacy Agency (P&A) in your state.

If Housing Repairs are Needed

The Community Development Block grant office in the state may be able to assist with this. You can call the community development office in the state listed in your local phone book. or the HUD Home Program in your state to get info on the Community Development Block grant office.

Non profit organizations in your state do home repairs may be helpful. You can find them listed in your local phone book. The Protection and Advocacy Agency (P&A) in your state may have some suggestions on resources for home modification and related repairs.

The P&A can also provide information on the Technology Related Assistance Program which may fund assistive technology and some types of home modification or repairs like a ramp.

Independent Living

To find out the contact information for centers for
independent living (CILs) in your state, contact:

National Council on Independent Living
1916 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 209
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 525-3406; (703) 525-4153 (TTY)

Olmstead Decision

January, 2000
Assuring Access to Community Living for the Disabled