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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program assistance with heating and cooling costs

LIHEAP Income-Eligible Household Counts from the 2000 Decennial Census

Through an interagency transfer of funds, the U.S. Census Bureau has prepared for the Office of Community Services (OCS) State- level data from the 2000 Decennial Census on the estimated number of income eligible households for LIHEAP (hereafter referred to as "low income" households) as of April 1, 2000.

The 2000 Decennial Census is the most recent source of State- level data on low income households. Consequently, the data are already several years old. It is not known to what degree the data would change, by State, if more recent data were available.

The data are not broken down below the State level. However, State may want to contact its Census Data Center to explore the cost of such data being developed by county or local jurisdiction

User's Notes

In tabulating data on the number of low income households, OCS made certain decisions about the definition of low income households and the methodology to be followed. To aid in understanding how the data on low income households were derived from the 2000 Decennial Census, the following topics are covered in User Notes on 2000 Decennial Census Tabulations of Households Estimated to be Income Eligible for LIHEAP (DOC 100 KB), June, 2005:

  • Low income household tabulations
  • Sample estimates
  • Definitions and annotations
  • Organization of the tables
  • Excel files


Low income data are available for the following tables:

Table  1.   Household income levels (XLS 34KB)

Table  2.   Gross income intervals (XLS 206KB)

Table  3.   Sources of household cash income (XLS 199KB)

Table  4.   Household size (XLS 199KB)

Table  5.   Race, ethnicity (XLS 201KB)

Table  6.   Target group (XLS 193KB)

Table  7.   Geographic location (XLS 202KB)

Table  8.   Type of building (XLS 205KB)

Table  9.   Year structure built (XLS 205KB)

Table 10.   Tenure (XLS 197KB)

Table 11.   Primary home heating fuel (XLS 207KB)

Table 12.   Annual household fuel costs (XLS 15KB)

Tables 2-12 are repeated for the following nine income cutoffs:

  • Less than or equal to 50% of poverty
  • 51%-75% of poverty
  • 76%-100% of poverty
  • 101%-125% of poverty
  • 126%-150% of poverty
  • 151%-175% of poverty
  • greater than 150% of poverty
  • at or below 60% State median income
  • greater of 150% poverty or 60% State median income