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States and Tribes

Adopt Narrative Biological Criteria

Building off the data base and biological assessment methods, EPA recommends that States and Tribes incorporate into their water quality standards narrative expressions describing the reference biological condition of aquatic communities inhabiting waters assigned a given designated aquatic life use. These narrative expressions may stand separately from or be included as part of the existing narrative water quality criteria or "free forms" already included in State and Tribal standards. These expressions may also take the form of refined and expanded aquatic life use descriptions referencing expected aquatic communities associated with attainable aquatic life uses.

Steps in adopting narrative biological criteria:

  • Perform bioassessments on all surface waters
  • Determine appropriateness of designated aquatic life uses and refine as necessary
  • Determine temporal variability of reference sites
  • Ensure adequacy of programs to preserver exceptional waters
  • Begin implementing management practices to restore degraded waters and to identify and address the causes of degradation

Example - Arkansas Adopts Narrative Biological Criteria

Arkansas adopted narrative biological criteria into it's water quality standards that formerly establishes how its use classification scheme for aquatic life is operationally defined (".. must demonstrate aquatic life communities which are similar in variety and abundance to least-disturbed waters within the same ecoregion and with similar hydrologic conditions."). The narrative further specifies that the measurements of the aquatic community should include fish community structure and other types of aquatic life such as benthic macroinvertebrates. Detrimental changes to the aquatic community will be determined by statistically significant differences in results from reference conditions and the waters under evaluation.

Arkansas's narrative biological criteria establishes a basic framework for development of numeric biological criteria:

  • Explains how the designated aquatic life uses will be refined (least impaired bioregional reference conditions)
  • Explains how the biological community will be measured (community metrics for fish and other assemblages)
  • Explains how detrimental changes to the biological community will be evaluated (statistically significant differences between reference conditions and test sites).

The State's narrative biological criteria are currently based on fish community structure such as taxonomic group dominance, functional groups, key species, and sensitive species. For example in the Arkansas use class Typical Gulf Coastal Ecoregion (i.e., South Central Plains) the narrative criterion reads:

"Streams supporting diverse communities of indigenous or adapted species of fish and other forms of aquatic life. Fish communities are characterized by a limited proportion of sensitive species; sunfishes are distinctly dominant, followed by darters and minnows. The community may be generally characterized by the following fishes: Key Species-Redfin shiner, Spotted sucker, Yellow bullhead, Flier, Slough darter, Grass pickerel; Indicator Species-Pirate perch, Warmouth, Spotted sunfish, Dusky darter, Creek chubsucker, Banded pygmy sunfish".

Assessments of designated aquatic life use support have utilized relative abundance comparison of all species, numeric indicators, and multi-metric scoring techniques. The assessed waterbody is compared to least disturbed ecoregion reference data and/or to data from a local reference stream. Future plans are to incorporate more recently developed data on fish and physical habitat into the reference data base and to expand the data base to include information on the benthic macroinvertebrate community.


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