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MDS 2.0 for Nursing Homes

MDS 2.0 Manuals and Forms

Description: The December 2002 Revised Long Term Care RAI User's Manual for the Minimum Data Set (MDS) Version 2.0 replaces CMS's original Long Term Care RAI User's Manual Version 2.0 published in October 1995.


  1. December 2008 revisions to the MDS 2.0 RAI User's Manual are available below under, Downloads, "RAI Manual December Update 2008".
  2. MPAF Forms: The MPAF forms have been relocated and are available below under, "Downloads, MDS All Forms".
  3. Appendix B: The State Automation Coordinators contact list has been added to the State RAI Coordinators contact list found in Appendix B. All previous websites have been linked to Appendix B. This is the source to retrieve updated versions of the State RAI Coordinators & Automation Coordinators lists.

This version and subsequent updates of the RAI\MDS manual incorporate clarifications to existing coding and transmission policy, integrate previously published Questions and Answers (Q & A's) into the appropriate sections and address requested clarifications and scenarios concerning problem areas.

Please note that InterRAI holds the copyright to Version 2.0 of the RAI for long term care outside of the US. Therefore, this revised Version 2.0 of the RAI/MDS manual should not be reproduced outside of the United States without permission of InterRAI. Within the US, Version 2.0 is in the public domain.

Long Term Care Facilities User's Manual

To access the Long Term Care Facility User's Manual, scroll down to Related Links Outside CMS,click on QIES, this will bring you to "MDS Downloads", scroll down to the end and select "Guides & Manuals", select Long Term Care Facility User's Manual.

A link is provide to the Health Care Quality Improvement & Evaluation System (QIES) technical support web page, which is the clinical umbrella that supports MDS as well as Online Survey and Certification and Reporting System (OSCAR), Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility - Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI) and many other functional systems.

Information on MDS Accuracy

DAVE 2, the second phase of the Data Assessment and VErification (DAVE) program, came to a close as of September 30, 2007. The primary focus of DAVE 2 was to assure accuracy and reliability of Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessment data, as these data drive Medicare Part A payment, publicly reported quality measures (QMs) and quality indicators (QIs) and, in some states, Medicaid case mix payment systems.

The DAVE 2 contract, which was awarded to Abt Associates in September 2005, consisted of onsite visits to nursing homes by trained nurse reviewers who examined resident records and conducted independent resident assessments to evaluate the accuracy of MDS assessments. They also provided educational support to nursing home staff.

CMS is continuing to work with Abt Associates on MDS 2.0 initiatives under the MDS Technical Support Contract. We continue to develop training materials, based on the DAVE 2 findings, in order to improve MDS coding guidelines in the RAI User's Manual and to support nursing home staff in improving MDS data accuracy.

The DAVE projects developed MDS coding Tip Sheets for various sections of the MDS found to have higher discrepancy rates upon onsite accuracy review. There are currently four downloadable TIP Sheets on proper coding for the MDS Sections including Section G on Self Performance, Section P on Physician Visits (P7) and Physician Orders (P8), Section P on Therapies (P1b), and Section K on Parenteral/IV (K5a). The MDS Technical Support project plans to develop additional Tip Sheets in the coming year.

MDS Coding TIP Sheets will be posted under the Downloads Section and are also linked to the QTSO web site under the Related Links Outside CMS below.

RAI Manual December Update 2008 [PDF 173 KB]

RAI User's Manual [ZIP 3.9 MB]

2008 MDS Tip Sheets [ZIP 265 KB]

CMS Sponsored Dave2 Tip Sheets [ZIP 386 KB]

Previous Updates [ZIP 3.4 MB]

MDS All Forms [PDF 1.1 MB]

MPAF Submission Issues and Satellite Broadcast & Webcast on NH Immunization Agenda & Handouts [ZIP 185 KB]
Related Links Inside CMS
Minimum Data Sets 2.0 Software & Specifications Part 1

Minimum Data Sets 2.0 Software & Specifications Part 2

MDS 2.0 What's New

MDS 2.0 Public Quality Indicator and Resident Reports

Skilled Nursing Facility Center

Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy
MDS Q&A mailbox

QIES (qtso)


Page Last Modified: 01/23/2009 9:45:44 AM
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