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  • Nursing Home Staffing Quality Measures Initiative was designed to investigate staffing measures for the purposes of public reporting that may be related to quality of care, including staffing levels (staff hours per resident day), staff turnover, staff tenure, and staff mix. The main tasks of this initiative are to: 1) evaluate the relationship between staffing measures and quality for the short-stay and long-stay population (including risk adjustment strategies), 2) develop payroll data specifications, 3) test the feasibility of collecting payroll data according to detailed specifications, and 4) analyze the contract staffing data submitted in Phase I of the project. The Link to this report can be found below inside the Downloads section.
  • Hurricane Information: This website link, within Related Links Inside CMS, is provided to help answer your questions about waivers and modifications that apply during the State of Emergency. Waivers, public health emergency declarations, Medicare fee-for-service payment and billing policies, information on the Emergency Prescription Assistance Program, and other hurricane-related information can be found in the related links sections below.
  • MDS 3.0: The latest MDS 3.0 information can be accessed through the link on the left labeled "MDS 3.0 for Nursing Homes."
  • MDS 3.0 Timeline: The MDS 3.0 timeline with implementation steps for October 1, 2009 deployment is available and can be accessed through the link on the left labeled "MDS 3.0 for Nursing Homes."
SQM Final Report [PDF 116 KB]

SQM Final Report Appendices A to F [PDF 996 KB]

SQM Final Report Appendices G to H [PDF 1.1 MB]
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Page Last Modified: 04/09/2009 2:28:33 PM
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