Image of the Week
East Coast Winter Storm
Image of the Week - January 25, 2004

East Coast Winter Storm
High-Resolution Image

Visible truecolor image of the U.S. East Coast taken by the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instrument onboard the Aqua satellite at 1:15pm on Sunday, January 25. This is an example of Upper level shortwave with Gulf of Mexico moisture pipeline, overriding a classic east coast cold air damming event. Cold air damming evidenced by clear skies (high pressure over New England/NYS), cellular convective cloud streets off NE/NJ coast (indicative of cold air pouring down east coast), and well defined edge of cold air in Georgia. Temperatures were quite warm south of the front (Jacksonville high on Sunday was 82 deg - with freezing rain in nearby Georgia). Thick clouds over east coast are a combination of upper level shortwave (note cirrus over NYS,mid-atlantic, and off coast) and moist southwest flow (tapping Gulf) overriding cold air east of Appalachians. Other scenes can be found at (Submitted by B. Ridgway, M. Gray, T. Arnold)
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May 7, 2009 in Publications
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