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Dr. Robert Petre

Job Description: Astrophysicist
Phone: (301) 286-3844

Robert Petre is an astrophysicist in and Lab Chief of the GSFC's X-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory. He is currently the US ROSAT Project Scientist and the coordinator of the Guest Observer program for ASCA. In these positions, he is responsible for administering all aspects of the US share of the observing programs for the two missions.

Dr. Petre also has extensive relevant hardware experience with the BBXRT conical imaging mirror and with Si(Li) spectrometers. He carries on an active research program involving imaging and spectroscopy of supernova remnants, nearby galaxies, and X-ray binaries using BBXRT, ROSAT and ASCA data.

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Last modified: Monday, 07-Jan-2008 11:14:28 EST