Heart Failure

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Heart failure is a serious long-term condition, but you can live a full and enjoyable life with the right treatment and active attention to your lifestyle.

The most important thing to remember is that you're not alone. An estimated 5.7 million Americans are living with heart failure, and 670,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. You can manage this condition, and we’re here to help. Regardless of your treatment, you need to follow all of your doctor’s recommendations and make the necessary changes in diet, exercise and lifestyle to give you the highest possible quality of life. 




Heart Weakens Over Time
How long does it take for heart failure to develop? 
Learn how this chronic disease progresses over time.


Lifestyle Changes
People with heart failure usually need to rethink their daily routines and make some changes for the better.

doctor and patient

Warning Signs
Decrease chances of hospital visits by understanding the signs of trouble. Learn what warning signs to watch for.


Learn About Your Treatment Options
Get your free report, customized for your condition, from the Heart Profilers.


Get the Latest Tools and Resources
Sign up for our free monthly e-newsletters to help stay on top of your condition.


Personally Speaking
Read the stories of other heart failure patients and caregivers who are taking charge of their health and their lives.



This content is reviewed regularly. Last updated 04/30/09.

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Links to Other Sites
'Swine' flu update for people with heart disease (4/30/09)

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Downloadable Documents
What Is Heart Failure?

What Is Heart Failure? (Español)

How Can I Live With Heart Failure?

How Can I Live With Heart Failure? (Español)

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