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FDA's Investigative Efforts
Chili Products (Botulism) Recall

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in collaboration with the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) and numerous state agencies, completed visits to thousands of retail establishments to ensure that canned food and pet food products manufactured and distributed by Castleberry's Food Company that could contain botulism were removed from store shelves and properly disposed of.

Although the products had been recalled by Castleberry, FDA investigators found potentially contaminated product still being sold in a total of 1303 out of the 12,989 stores visited. In most cases, the products were found in smaller stores, independent grocers, and convenience stores, with a total of 14,956 cans removed from shelves and secured.

FDA's food safety partners at FSIS and state agencies also visited thousands of retail stores. State agencies inspectors identified an additional 1192 stores still selling potentially contaminated product out of 10,073 stores visited.

This collaberative approach among the USDA, state agencies, and the FDA was implemented due to the size of the recall and the severity of the hazard, and was initiated early in the recall process to augument the efforts of the recalling firm, which bears responsibility for conducting an effective recall. This unique, effective method resulted in the removal of harmful product from the market, prevention of further injuries, and public health protection.

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