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Botulism Risk from Castleberry Foods and Dog Food (Updated)

En Español

FDA is expanding its July 18 warning to people not to eat the contents of certain cans of chili sauce due to the risk of botulism, based on test results conducted during inspection of the facility.  

The expansion is for consumers and pet owners regarding canned food products and dog food made by Castleberry's Food Company of Augusta, Ga.

Castleberry's is expanding the recall to include additional canned products with all "best by" and code dates. FDA is warning people not to purchase or eat any of the following:

10-ounce canned chili sauce products

15-ounce canned Natural Balance Eatables dog food varieties

The firm has extended the recall to include all products listed, regardless of "best by" dates, which can be found on can lids.

In addition to the above listed FDA-regulated products, Castleberry's is recalling other products containing meat, which are regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

USDA is warning people not to eat certain brands of Castleberry's products containing meat. The list of these products can be seen at USDA's Web site: www.fsis.usda.gov/News_&_Events/Recall_033_2007_expanded/index.asp .

Botulism can be fatal. Two children in Texas and an Indiana couple who ate these products became seriously ill and have been hospitalized.

Symptoms of Botulism in People

Symptoms of Botulism in Animals

What Consumers Should Do

What's Being Done

Castleberry Food Company in Augusta, Georgia, the manufacturer, is voluntarily recalling all of the potentially contaminated products and is cooperating with FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USDA, and the states' active investigations into the cause of this contamination.

FDA will provide regular updates as more information becomes available.

For more information, including a complete list of recalled products, visit www.fda.gov/oc/opacom/hottopics/castleberry.html

Date Posted: July 19, 2007
Updated July 24, 2007

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