Alabama Ecological Services Field Station
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Partners for Fish & Wildlife

20th Anniversary Logo. Credit: USFWS

20th Anniversary Logo Credit: USFWS

click here to download the PFW brochure in Adobe Acrobat format

WANTED: Wetlands and Other Wildlife Habitat

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is looking for landowners interested in restoring wetlands or other important wildlife habitat on their property.


In 2001, 671 acres of longleaf pine and 582 acres of native grasses were restored in Alabama through the partnership efforts of the Partners for Fish and Wildlife program.

What is Partners for Fish and Wildlife?

The Partners for Fish and Wildlife program provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners to restore and enhance fish and wildlife habitat on their property. The program focus is to restore vegetation and hydrology to historic conditions. Habitat is provided for migratory and resident waterfowl, wading birds, songbirds, and a host of other wildlife which utilize wetlands.

Who's Eligible?

Basically, anyone interested in restoring wildlife habitat on their land can become a "partner." Partners include:

  • Farmers
  • Ranchers
  • Corporations
  • Businesses
  • Private organizations
  • Educational institutions
  • Conservation organizations
  • State agencies

What Types of Projects are Funded?

Cropland, pasture, or wet areas which have been previously drained or altered are all potential project sites. There are no restrictions on project size and areas from 5 to 2000 acres have been restored through the program. Normally, landowners restore unproductive areas of cropland or pasture or areas which are too wet to farm efficiently. Partner projects are typically designed to restore fish and wildlife habitat to historic conditions. Plans may include:

  • Planting trees to restore bottomland hardwoods or swamp
  • Installing water control structures, plugging ditches, or building levees to restore hydrology on drained or partially drained areas
  • Protecting and/or restoring riparian areas
  • Moist-soil management and wood duck nest boxes in conjunction with other restoration measures

How does the Program work?

Landowners interested in habitat restoration should contact us to schedule a site visit. A biologist will contact you to schedule a visit to determine if your site is suitable for restoration. A restoration plan is developed and the project is submitted for funding. If your project is accepted, you could:

  • Receive up to 100% funding for project expenses
  • Receive financial assistance from other groups (state agencies, conservation districts, other Federal programs)

Financial or in-kind contribution from the landowner is not mandatory but may aid in project selection. Most importantly, landowners do not forfeit property rights and control all activities such as hunting, fishing, camping and trespass.

Who do you contact to participate?

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

"Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program"

1208-B Main Street

Daphne, AL 36526

You may also contact Randy Roach, Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program, at (251) 441-5872, or via email at

click here to download the PFW brochure in Adobe Acrobat format

Click here to link to the USFWS Southeast Region Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program


Last updated: October 6, 2008