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Volume 65(770);  December 1989
The plight of senior house officers--some facts.
J. Grant and P. Marsden
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 869–871.
PMCID: PMC2429583
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma.
J. R. Salisbury
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 872–874.
PMCID: PMC2429559
Intensive care medicine--a review.
J. Wendon and J. Coltart
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 875–880.
PMCID: PMC2429562
Pulmonary infiltrates--diagnostic problems in lymphoma.
J. H. Campbell, V. Raina, S. W. Banham, D. Cunningham, and M. Soukop
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 881–884.
PMCID: PMC2429569
Pulmonary uptake in 67-gallium citrate scintigraphy-the 'negative heart' sign.
S. G. Cooke, E. R. Davies, and P. R. Goddard
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 885–891.
PMCID: PMC2429576
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ingestion: retrospective study of 272 bleeding or perforated peptic ulcers.
F. H. Smedley, M. Taube, R. Leach, and C. Wastell
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 892–895.
PMCID: PMC2429586
Is intravenous cholangiography an alternative to the routine per-operative cholangiogram?
S. P. Huddy and J. A. Southam
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 896–899.
PMCID: PMC2429553
Camel bites: report of severe osteolysis as late bone complications.
A. A. al-Boukai, N. E. Hawass, P. J. Patel, and T. M. Kolawole
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 900–904.
PMCID: PMC2429563
The use of disease modifying antirheumatic drugs in the management of rheumatoid arthritis.
L. E. Hart and P. Tugwell
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 905–912.
PMCID: PMC2429570
Audit of mortality in upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
B. D. Katschinski, R. F. Logan, J. Davies, and M. J. Langman
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 913–917.
PMCID: PMC2429572
Intractable hiccups--an early feature of Addison's disease.
P. G. Hardo
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 918–919.
PMCID: PMC2429566
Hepatic abnormalities in coeliac disease: three cases of delayed diagnosis.
H. C. Mitchison, C. O. Record, M. C. Bateson, and I. Cobden
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 920–922.
PMCID: PMC2429557
The metabolic effects of fatal cyanide poisoning.
B. M. Singh, N. Coles, P. Lewis, R. A. Braithwaite, M. Nattrass, and M. G. FitzGerald
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 923–925.
PMCID: PMC2429567
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of sternum: an unusual cause of pyrexia of undetermined origin.
A. Grieco, S. Caputo, E. Silvestri, P. Caradonna, A. Bertoli, and A. V. Greco
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 926–928.
PMCID: PMC2429556
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the mediastinum.
P. Aggarwal, S. K. Sharma, A. B. Dey, T. K. Chattopadhyay, and M. Mathur
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 929–931.
PMCID: PMC2429568
The automatic implantable cardioverter/defibrillator for a life threatening arrhythmia in a case of post-partum cardiomyopathy.
M. Bower, L. J. Freeman, A. F. Rickards, and E. Rowland
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 932–935.
PMCID: PMC2429577
Ventricular fibrillation due to lithium withdrawal--an interaction with chlorpromazine?
R. N. Stevenson, C. Blanshard, and D. L. Patterson
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 936–938.
PMCID: PMC2429573
Spontaneous fracture of the ulna complicating tuberculous osteomyelitis.
D. J. Seddon, T. Thanabalasingham, and J. Weinberg
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 939–940.
PMCID: PMC2429587
Staphylococcus aureus meningitis from osteomyelitis of the spine.
H. S. Markus and S. P. Allison
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 941–942.
PMCID: PMC2429555
Bilateral adrenal phaeochromocytomas associated with unilateral renal artery stenosis.
A. P. Burns, P. R. O'Connell, D. J. Murnaghan, and M. P. Brady
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 943–947.
PMCID: PMC2429588
Amitriptyline overdose complicated by intestinal pseudo-obstruction and caecal perforation.
A. J. McMahon
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 948–949.
PMCID: PMC2429560
Life-threatening acute hyponatraemia induced by low dose cyclophosphamide and indomethacin.
M. J. Webberley and J. A. Murray
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 950–952.
PMCID: PMC2429550
European Medical Research Group: (Meeting held on 6 June 1989)
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 953–954.
PMCID: PMC2429580
Medical training in Belgium: a year in Brussels.
W. S. Smellie
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 955–956.
PMCID: PMC2429574
Conversation piece--the aeromedical doctor. Interview by P.D. Welsby.
R. A. Pearson
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 957.
PMCID: PMC2429575
Reversible hypothyroidism detected by normal 99mTc scan.
M. Coffernils, A. Owen, and J. Unger
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 958–959.
PMCID: PMC2429561
Autosympathectomy: a late complication of metastatic breast disease.
S. G. Barker, P. Hale, and P. G. Bentley
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 958.
PMCID: PMC2429581
Epistaxis after prolonged water immersion in a hot Jacuzzi.
J. Backon
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 958.
PMCID: PMC2429585
Lengthy incubation for homosexual transmission of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in a 79 year old man.
D. A. Walsh and T. C. O'Shaughnessy
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 959–960.
PMCID: PMC2429582
Carcinoma of the gall bladder--can we do anything?
G. J. Archer and M. K. Khawar
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 960.
PMCID: PMC2429584
Book Reviews
Electronic Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring - A Practical Guide
Geoffrey Chamberlain
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 961.
PMCID: PMC2429554
High Altitude Medicine and Physiology
J.J. Milles
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 961.
PMCID: PMC2429558
Key Anatomy for Radiology
P.J. Robinson
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 961–962.
PMCID: PMC2429578
Passing the FRCS
Harold Ellis
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 962.
PMCID: PMC2429571
Recent Advances in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
I.M. James
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 962.
PMCID: PMC2429564
Thoracic Surgery
K. Pagliero
Postgrad Med J. 1989 December; 65(770): 962–963.
PMCID: PMC2429551
Journal Matter
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