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Also called: Also called: Sterility

Infertility means not being able to become pregnant after a year of trying. If a woman keeps having miscarriages, it is also called infertility. Lots of couples have infertility problems. About a third of the time, infertility can be traced to the woman. In another third of cases, it is because of the man. The rest of the time, it is because of both partners or no cause is found.

If you think you might be infertile, tell your doctor. For a man, a first step is often a sperm test. For women, doctors run tests to see if their ovaries work properly. Women in their 30s who have been trying to get pregnant for six months should consider seeking help. A woman's chances of having a baby drop rapidly every year after age 30.

Drugs or surgery are common treatments. Happily, two-thirds of couples treated for infertility go on to have babies.

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Date last updated: May 08 2009
Topic last reviewed: March 26 2009