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Movement Disorders

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Imagine if you couldn't walk normally or get up from a chair, or if parts of your body moved when you didn't want them to. If you have a movement disorder, you experience these kinds of impaired movement. Dyskinesia is a common symptom of many movement disorders. Dyskinesia results in broken or jerky motions. Tremors are a type of dyskinesia.

Nerve diseases cause many movement disorders, such as Parkinson's disease. Other causes include injuries, autoimmune diseases, infections and certain medicines. Many movement disorders are inherited, which means they run in families.

Treatment varies by disorder. Medicine can cure some disorders. Others get better when an underlying disease is treated. Often, however, there is no cure. In that case, the goal of treatment is to improve symptoms and relieve pain.

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The primary NIH organization for research on Movement Disorders is the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke -

Date last updated: October 06 2008
Topic last reviewed: June 28 2008