HEASARC Picture of the Week: Large Scale Structure

Title Date
The Universe at 100 MeV EGRET all sky map Oct 4, 1999
X-raying the Universe ROSAT All Sky Survey Mar 27, 2000
The Extreme Ultraviolet Universe EUVE All sky map Apr 10, 2000
Silhouettes on the X-ray Sky Draco Shadow May 15, 2000
A Hidden Cluster Revealed XMM/New Cluster July 3, 2000
Mysterious Radiant Sources EGRET/ALL SKY MAP August 14, 2000
Compact Group Controversy HCG16/XMM September 25, 2000
The Growth of Sensitivity X-ray All Sky Sources October 2, 2000
Cosmic Cluster Mosaic: Dark Matter Revealed XMM-NEWTON COMA CLUSTER October 23,2000
Black Holes in the Deep Field chandra/deep field south March 26, 2001
Encircling the Pole ROSAT/South Ecliptic Pole April 2, 2001
Youngest X-ray Galaxy Cluster CHANDRA/3C294 June 25, 2001
Mining Aluminum in the Universe Comptel 1.8 MeV Map July 23, 2001
Shooting Star Cluster 1E0657-56/Chandra April 1, 2002
The Great Beyond NGC891 X-ray & Optical images August 5, 2002
Cool Cluster Core Chandra Temperature map of the galaxy cluster PKS0745-191 December 2, 2002
Getting the GOODS on the Universe Chandra Temperature map of the galaxy cluster PKS0745-191 June 23, 2003
Forging Aluminum SPI Al 26 Map July 13, 2003
X-ray Panorama SPI Al 26 Map July 28, 2003
Ancient Structure CHANDRA and VLT observations of an old, massive cluster January 26, 2004
New Cosmic Survey PCA All Sky Survey February 9, 2004
Darkness Visible Chandra images 3 clusters of galaxies May 24, 2004
Free Falling Chandra Image for the Fornax cluster September 13, 2004
The Stripper XMM-Newton image of Abell 1644 October 4, 2004
Watch Your Cavities Chandra and VLA image of MS 0735.6+7421 January 10, 2005
An Isolated Case of Dark Matter Chandra image of a halo around NGC 4555 February 7, 2005
Iron Dating Chandra spectra of iron around black holes August 22, 2005
Dark Matter Map XMM-Newton temperature map of Abell 85 August 29, 2005
The Devil Made Me Do It Chandra Image of the Perseus Cluster October 31, 2005
Peacock's Plumage XMM Newton image of the Pavo group December 5, 2005
Taking Perseus' Temperature Chandra Temperature Map of the Perseus Cluster February 6, 2006
Getting Together While Young XMM-Newton and VLT images of XMMU J2235.3-2557 February 20, 2006
The Medium is a Message XMM-Newton and R-band images of Stephan's Quintet March 13, 2006
Binary Black Hole Contrails Chandra X-ray and VLA radio image of Abell 400 April 10, 2006
House of Mirrors Subaru and XMM images of gravitation lens SDSS J1004+4112 May 8, 2006
Abundance XMM-Newton X-ray data on cluster abundances June 12, 2006
Pull of Gravity XMM-Newton X-ray image of Abell 3266 August 21, 2006
Darkness into Light Dark and Normal Matter split August 28, 2006
A History of Looking Backward A History of redshift September 18, 2006
Speeding Bullet XMM-Newton image of Abell 3376 November 27, 2006
Wondering in a Deep Field XMM-Newton X-ray Deep Field January 29, 2007
Cataloguing the GR Sky INTEGRAL 3rd IBIS catalogue February 5, 2007
Where's the Matter? INTEGRAL AGN volume density March 5, 2007
Light and Dark Matter X-ray and Gravitational lensing maps of Abell 520 cluster August 20, 2007
Cataloguing A Piece of the Universe Second XMM serendipitous source catalog September 10, 2007
Rushing Downhill Galaxy with Tail September 24, 2007
The Mystery Machine Happy Halloween from Chandra October 29, 2007
One Behind the Other XMM image of Abell 3128 and background cluster February 4, 2008
XMM View of the COSMOS XMM image of COSMOS field February 11, 2008
Filigree XMM image bridge between two galaxy clusters May 12, 2008
All Fermi LAT 4-day all sky survey September 01, 2008
Fasten Your Seatbelts Images of light and dark matter September 08, 2008
Just Passing By XMM-Newton Slew survey September 29, 2008
Darkness into Light left: Chandra image of cluster of galaxies; right: Simulation of the evolution of the Universe December 22, 2008
Bright Gamma Sky Release of Fermi/LAT Bright source list February 09, 2009
Our Erratic Universe Fermi Scanning the Sky April 13, 2009
Pileup on the Intergalactic Freeway Chandra and HST image of collision of 4 clusters of galaxies April 27, 2009

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Page Author: Dr. Michael F. Corcoran
Last modified Sunday, 26-Apr-2009 22:08:10 EDT