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photo collage and SF6 Emission Reduction Partnership for Electric Power Systems logo

Starting with 49 Charter Partners in 1999, the Partnership now totals 77 Partners, representing over 45 percent of the industry. Since the number of reporting Partners varies from year to year, the SF6 emission rate provides a valuable assessment of Partnership trends because it normalizes SF6 emission relative to the total amount of SF6 containing electrical equipment (calculated by dividing total emissions by total nameplate capacity). As shown in Figure 1, the Partnership’s SF6 emission rate has dropped from 17 percent in 1999 to 6.5 percent in 2006.

2006 Partnership Report (PDF) (16 pp, 1.8MB, About PDF)
This partnership report highlights the most recent activities of our partners.

Figure 1. SF6 Emission Reduction Partnership SF6 Emission Rate Trend, 1999 - 2006. Year/Rate: 1999/15.2%; 2000/13.8%; 2001/13.4%; 2002/10.6%; 2003/9.8%; 2004/9.2%; 2005/8.1%; 2006/6.5%

Figure 2 displays the Partnership’s SF6 emission reduction achievements and anticipated reductions projected through 2010.

Figure 2. Partnership Emission Reduction Achievements and Goals. Year/Goals/Achievements (in MMTCO2): 2000/.8/.6; 2001/1/.8; 2002/2.8/1.6; 2003/3.4/1.8; 2004/2.7/2.1; 2005/3.1/2.5; 2006/3.4/3.4; 2007/3.9; 2008/4.2; 2009/4.5; 2010/4.8
MMTCO2 = Million Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide

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