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Rosetta: The Rosetta mission is being designed and managed by the European Space Agency (ESA). Launched on March 2, 2004, the Rosetta spacecraft will rendezvous and land upon the surface of comet Churymov-Gerasimenko in late 2014. The comet's nucleus will be studied remotely and with the aid of a sophisticated landed instrument package.

Rosetta Science Instruments:
Imager, IR and UV spectrometers, plasma package, radio sounder to investigate subsurface layering of materials, magnetometer, particle analysis instruments. The landed package will include an imager, magnetometer, and an alpha/proton/x-ray spectrometer to determine the chemical composition of the surface materials.

The Rosetta spacecraft will be built and managed by the European Space Agency.

Look here for additional information on the Rosetta mission:

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