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PDP Information for States

Please scroll down to the bottom of the page for downloadable materials and helpful links.  Please note the number in bracket next to a bold item in the page content corresponds to the downloadable item or link at the bottom of the page. 

2009 Medicare Advantage and Part D Plan Options:  The {13} list of national stand-alone prescription drug plan sponsors and State-by-State fact sheets are available.  Also, the {14} 2009 plan options are available.

"HPMS" Guidance to Plans:  From the "HPMS Guidance" link below, access Medicare prescription drug (Part D) guidance materials distributed to the plans through the Health Plan Management System (HPMS).

{12} Transition Guidance for Part D Plan Sponsors  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released the final 2007 Transition Guidance for Part D sponsors, which establishes a minimum set of standards for Part D plan sponsor transition policies. To address the needs of individuals who are stabilized on certain drug regimens when they join a plan, Part D plans are required to establish an appropriate transition process for new enrollees who are transitioning to a Part D plan from other prescription drug coverage – including other Part D plans – and whose current drug therapies may not be included in their new Part D plan's formulary, or situations in which enrollees are stabilized on formulary drugs that require prior authorization or step therapy under a plan's utilization management rules. While Part D plans may implement additional step therapy or prior authorization edits during transition, they may do so only if such edits are resolved at the point of sale.  Additionally, transition processes must also address cases in which a beneficiary changes their setting of care, for example from a hospital to a home or institutional setting, to provide uninterrupted access to needed drugs.  The guidance also recognizes the needs of new full-benefit dual eligibles who may be auto-enrolled in a prescription drug plan who may be unaware of the impact of the prescription drug plan's formulary or utilization management practices on their existing drug regimens. A fact sheet describing the minimum required standards for a Part D sponsor transition process, the 2007 Transition Guidance, and a summary of changes from the 2006 to 2007 guidance can be access by clicking on the link below. 

{11} Home Infusion Therapy Letter This letter provides clarification on Part D benefit for home infusion therapy.

{10a} and {10b} CMS Guidance to Plans  These two documents were issued to plans on January 6, 2006.  One document emphasizes the critical importance of beneficiaries getting their needed first prescriptions filled at the point of sale.  The other document explains the expedited processes for application of cost sharing for dually eligible individuals and other low-income beneficiaries.

{9} Special Needs Plans (SNPs) This page provides information on SNPs including a fact sheet, enrollment data, and the extension of the authority for SNPs as well as the moratorium placed on new SNPs under the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007. several maps that show SNP coverage (penetration) across the country for 2005 and 2006.

{8} Auto-Enrollment Crosswalk  Provide PDPs' region, contract ID number, BIN, & PCN information. Scroll to bottom of the page for the link. Click on the link and scroll down to Downloads for the Auto-Enrollment Crosswalk.

{7}PDPs Government Relations Contact List

{6} PDPs Pharmacy Contracting Contact List  Scroll to bottom of the page for the link. Click on the link and scroll down to Downloads for the Pharmacy Contracting Contact List.

{5} Prescription Drug Coverage Information  This link provides general information on the new Medicare prescription drug coverage, such as plans in the area, plan's needed number, and updated Q&As.


Available at {4}www.medicare.gov, the Prescription Drug Plan Finder is one of the new resources CMS is now using to help train local partners, such as the State Health Insurance Assistance Programs, senior centers, faith-based organizations and others who will be assisting beneficiaries in learning more about and enrolling in drug plans later this year. The tool will ask questions based on the coverage beneficiaries have now to provide them with tailored plan comparison information based on what is most important to them, including cost, coverage and convenience. Beneficiaries can also get personalized information on particular plans that they think may be a good fit for them. Medicare beneficiaries who don't use the Internet will be able to get the same information by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227).

The Plan Finder will ultimately let people check to see if they qualify for extra help paying for a Medicare drug plan, if their employer or union is continuing their current drug coverage or if they are already enrolled in a Medicare Advantage or other Medicare Health Plan or in a Medicare drug plan. As of today, not all of the data is in the plan finder, since the deadline for many employers to submit their applications is Oct. 31 and some applications for those beneficiaries applying for extra help have not been finalized. Drug plans may also update their price and other benefit information as the enrollment period draws closer.

{3} Long Term Care Guidance  This document is provided as guidance to assist Medicare Part D plans in formulating policies for the implementation of CMS requirements regarding pharmacies providing products and services to Long Term Care (LTC) facilities.

{2} This page provides important information on prescription drug coverage policies under Medicare, the framework for CMS' review of Medicare prescription drug plan formularies, and instructions concerning formulary file uploads.

{1} This page provides marketing guidance for Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans. The guidelines will allow organizations that offer both Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans the ability to reference one single-source document.


{11}Home Infusion Therapy Letter [PDF 92KB]

{10a}CMS Guidance to Plans - Formulary Transition [PDF 104KB]

{10b}CMS Guidance to Plans - Transition Copays [PDF 104KB]

{7}PDP Government Relations Contact List [Zip Excel 164KB]

{3}Long Term Care Guidance [PDF 40KB]

Related Links Inside CMS
{14} 2009 Plan Options

{13} List of National Stand-Alone PDP Sponsors and State-by-State Fact Sheets

{12}2007 Transition Guidance for Part D Plan Sponsors

{9}Special Needs Plans

{8}Auto-Enrollment Crosswalk

{6}PDPs Pharmacy Contracting Contact List

{5}Prescription Drug Coverage Information Page

{2}Information on Formularies

{1}Plan Marketing Guidelines

HMPS Guidance

HPMS Systems/Data Notices
Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy


Page Last Modified: 02/25/2009 11:36:23 AM
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