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Welcome to the FTC's site about SPAM email
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File a Complaint with the FTC
FTC Spam Hot Topics
Court Stops Spammers from Circulating Unwanted Sexually-Explicit E-mails


FTC Assesses Reward System for Catching Spammers

How Not to Get Hooked by a ‘Phishing’ Scam

National Do Not Email Registry: A Report to Congress

The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers
Limiting Spam
You've Got Spam: How to "Can" Unwanted Emails  [HTML version]
Provides tips to help reduce the amount of spam you receive.

Spam Scams

OnGuard Online: Spam Scams
Spam Scam Slam - Test your knowledge with this quiz (Requires Flash)
These links will take you from the FTC's website to OnGuardOnline.gov. OnGuard Online is a partnership between the FTC, other federal agencies, and the technology industry.

After a Disaster: Spam May Scam  [HTML version]
Important information about spam scams consumers may encounter when trying to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Botnets and Hackers and Spam (Oh, My!)  [HTML version]
Explains botnets and steps consumers can take to avoid having their computer invaded by hackers and spammers.

How Not to Get Hooked by a 'Phishing' Scam  [HTML version]
Offers tips on how to avoid falling victim to a new type of spam scam in which consumers are deceived into handing over personal financial information.

The "Nigerian" Scam: Costly Compassion  [HTML version]
Explains how the scam works — Supposed Nigerians politely promise big profits in exchange for help moving large sums of money out of their country — and what to do if you get an offer.

The Secrets of Mystery Shopping Revealed [HTML version]
Prospective mystery shoppers are targeted by illegitimate companies claiming resources for becoming a mystery shopper, selling false certification and charging for services that can otherwise be sought for free.

How to Be the Class ‘Value-dictorian’  [HTML version]
Alerts students and recent graduates to important consumer protection tips.

Protecting Your Personal Information

Detect, Protect, Dis-infect: Consumers Online Face Wide Choices in Security Products [HTML version]
Explains differences in online security products – intrusion detection systems, firewalls and anti-virus software.