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Influence of Timber Harvest and Floods on the Distribution of Exotic Riparian Plants

Riparian vegetation is intimately linked to the stream and river channels along which it grows. This project addresses the status of the riparian zone along Redwood Creek north coastal California, and answers three questions: 1) How have the overstory riparian conditions changed in Redwood Creek and major tributaries since the advent of timber More...

  • Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) colonizes bare ground areas

Fire and Invasive Annual Grasses in Western Ecosystem

This resource provides an overview of the research on ways to prevent invasive annual grass invasions and restore invaded habitats, which has independently and repeatedly been identified by all land management agencies as a top national research priority. Annual grasses have invaded a number of shrub and forest ecosystems in western North America More...

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Impact of Fire and Grazing on Diversity and Invasion in Sierran Forests

USGS scientists are conducting research through the Joint Fire Science Program to determine if fire contributes most to plant invasion in low-nutrient soils by making available increased nutrients that invasive grasses may exploit more effectively than native flora. Soil nutrient changes can vary widely depending on soil properties and the amount More...

  • Photo of Ponderosa pine forest fire with cheatgrass-dominated understory being managed

Wildfire and Invasive Plants

The severity of wildfires in recent years has increased public awareness and concern about a fuel build-up in western U.S. forests. Federal land management agencies are responding by greatly expanding programs to reduce hazardous fuels, but little is know about the efficacy of fuel treatments for mitigating wildfire severity or the influence of More...

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Brown Treesnake on Guam: How the arrival of one invasive species damaged the ecology, commerce, electrical systems, and human health on Guam: A comprehensive information source

This resource has been developed to provide source materials on the history of the invasion, continuing threats, research results, and containment and management of the brown Treesnake (Boiga irregularis) in Guam and its relevance to other islands and mild continental environments. Users can report snake sightings on this website, get information More...

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