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DIF to ISO Mapping

NOTE: required fields in bold  
Entry_ID 2 fileIdentifier Unique identifier for this metadata file Free Text  
*no DIF field-can go in summary 3 language Language used for documenting metadata LanguageCode = ISO 639 These fields can be mapped
*no DIF field-can go in summary 4 characterSet Full name of the character coding standard CharacterSetCode = ISO 10646-2 automatically by software tools.
Parent DIF 5 parentIdentifier Unique identifier of the parent metadata Free Text  
  322 super Aggregate dataset that is a superset DS_Aggregate  
*no DIF field-can go in summary 6 hierarchyLevel Scope to which the metadata applies MD_MetadataScope = "dataset"  
*no DIF field-can go in summary 7 hierarchyLevelname Name of the hierarchy level Free Text  
Group:Personnel (DIF Author) 8 contact (optional) Party responsible for the metadata CI_ResponsibleParty  
  283 CI_Responsible Party ID of and means of commun with persons Class  
      associated with the dataset.    
  284 mandatoryPartyInfo Individual, organization or position that is Class  
      knowledgeable about the dataset.    
First, Middle_ and Last _Names 285 individualName Name of the responsible person, surname Free Text  
  286 organisationName Name of the responsible organization Free Text  
Role 287 positionName Role or position of the responsible person Free Text *ISO has position and function fields -
Role 288 responsibility Function performed by the responsible party CI_ResponsibilityCode Both appear to be mandatory
        contentProvider,custodian/steward See B.17.3 of ISO 19115.3
        owner, user, distributor, etc.  
  289 contactInfo (optional) Address of the responsible party Class  
Address 290 CI_Address Location of the responsible individual or org.    
"" 291 deliveryPoint Address line for the physical address    
"" 292 city City of the physical address    
"" 293 administrativeArea State, province of the physical address    
"" 294 postalCode ZIP or other postal code    
  295 country Country of the Physical address    
Email 296 electronicMailAddress Address of the electronic mailbox of the resp    
  297 CI_Contact Information required enabling contact with the Class  
Phone 300 phone Telephone numbers for the organization/ind   Looks like ISO does not differentiate
Fax     Telephone numbers for the organization/ind   between Phone and Fax (like our old..)
DIF Creation Date 9 date Date that the metadata were created ISO 19108  
Last DIF Revision Date         These 3 don't appear to be in ISO.
DIF Revision History          
Future DIF Review Date          
required in bold   required in bold      
  18 distInfo Provides info about the distributor and MD_Distribution (class)  
      options for obtaining the dataset    
Group: Data Center 182 MD_Distribution Information about the distributor and options    
Data_Center_Name 193 distributorContact Party from whom the dataset may be obtained CI_responsibleParty<<Data Type>>  
Data_Center_URL 189 onLine Information about online sources CI_OlineResource<<Data Type>>  
Data_Set_ID         not in ISO?
  184 distributor Provides information about distributor MD_distributor  
Group: Personnel 193 distributorContact Party from whom the dataset may be obtained CI_responsibleParty<<Data Type>>  
Quality 19 dataQualInfo Provides overall assessment of quality of da to FGDC  
Project         not in ISO
Data Set Language 30 language Languages used within the dataset LanguageCode = ISO 639)  
*no DIF field-can go in summary 31 characterSet Full name of the character coding standard C/ISO 10646-2 not used Such as Cyrillic, etc?
Summary 32 abstract Brief narrative summary of the content Free Text  
"" "" 33 purpose Summary of the intentions with which ds Free Text  
      was developped    
"" "" 34 supplementalInformatio Other descriptive info about dataset Free Text  
      Example: Data Model    
  35 credit Recognition of those who contributed to ds. Free Text  
Data Set Progress 36 status Status of Data Set MD_ProgressCode <<Code List>> B.17.14
        completed, historicalArchive, obsolete, We may want to add some of these.
        onGoing, planned, required, inWork  
Group: Spatial Coverage 38 geographicBox Geographic Areal Domain of the dataset EX_GeographicBoundingBox Class
  250 EX_GeographicBoundingBox Geographic area of the entire dataset   Class
      referenced to WGS 84    
Westernmost_Longitude: 251 WestBoundLongitude Western-most coordinate of the limit ^? "-180 <= West Bounding ' Latitude' Only required once you
Easternmost_Longitude: 252 eastBoundLongitude Eastern-most coordinate of the limit ^? "-190 <= East Bounding ' Latitude' start filling in the limits.
Southernmost_Latitude: 253 southBoundLatitude Southern-most coordinate of the limit "-90 <= South Bounding ' Latitude' Some biological datasets
Northernmost_Latitude: 254 northBoundLatitude Northern-most coordinate of the limit "-90 <= North Bounding ' Latitude' don't have any spatial info.
Location 39 geographicDescription Documented in ISO19112 - Location SI_LocationInstance 38 and/or 39 required
    spatialResolution (optional)      
  256 elements by identifier    
    LONG NAMES OF      
required in bold   required in bold      
Discipline         not in ISO, could use for #41
Parameters 41 category Keywords describing dataset MD_category Look over B17.7 codelist
  42 datasetCitation Recommended reference to be used CI_Citation class
Group: Data Set Citation 265 CI_Citation Standardized resource reference CI_Citation class
Originator 278 citedResponsibleParty Name and position info for an individual CI_ResponsibleParty <<Data Type>>  
Entry_Title         not repeated in ISO
Title 266 Title Name by which the cited info is known Free Text  
Publication 278? citedResponsibleParty Name and position info for an individual CI_ResponsibleParty <<Data Type>> not in ISO
Issue_Identification 276 issueIdentification Issue of the series publication    
Publication_Date 268 date Reference date for the cited information ISO 19108  
Publication_Place         not in ISO
Publisher         not in ISO
Edition 270 edition Version of the dataset Free Text  
Data Presentation Form 274 presentationForm Mode in which the data is represented CI_PresentationFormCode B.17.2
URL 302 onlineResourc Online information that can be used CI_OnlineResource <<Data Type>>  
  43 datasetExtent (optional) Additional information about the bounding, EX_Extent (Class)  
      polygon, vertical and temporal extent    
  260 EX_VerticalExtent Vertical domain of dataset Class  
Minimum_Altitude/Depth 261 Minimum Value Lowest vertical extent contained in dataset.    
Maximum_Altitude/Depth 262 Maximum Value Highest vertical extent contained in dataset    
      Vertical units used for vertical extent info UomLength = metres, feet, millimetres  
      polygon, vertical, and temporal extent    
Group: Data Resolution 40 spatialResolution Provides info about spatial resolution Free Text Data Resolution may map to #40 &
Group: Data Resolution         #263.
Latitude 263 unitOfMeasure Vertical units used for vertical extent   ISO doesn't appear to differentiate
Longitude 263 unitOfMeasure information   between Altitude and Depth
Altitude 263 unitOfMeasure Vertical units used for vertical extent    
Depth 263 unitOfMeasure information    
Group: Temporal Coverage 257 EX_TemporalExtent Time Period covered by the content    
Start_Date 258 extent Date and Time for content of dataset TM_Primitive (ISO 19108)  
Stop_Date 258 extent Date and Time for content of dataset TM_Primitive (ISO 19108)  
Paleo Temporal Coverage     not in ISO   This is in the biological extension
required in bold   required in bold      
Personnel (Technical Contact) 44 datasetPointofContact Point of Contact CI_Responsible Party <<Data Type>>  
  283 CI_Responsible Party ID of and means of commun with persons Class  
      associated with the dataset.    
  284 mandatoryPartyInfo Individual, organization or position that is Class  
      knowledgeable about the dataset.    
First, Middle_ and Last _Names 285 individualName Name of the responsible person, surname    
  286 organisationName Name of the responsible organization    
*not in DIF 287 positionName Role or position of the responsible person    
Role 288 responsibility Function performed by the responsible party    
  289 contactInfo optional) Address of the responsible party Class  
Address 290 CI_Address Location of the responsible individual or org.    
  291 deliveryPoint Address line for the physical address    
  292 city City of the physical address    
  293 administrativeArea State, province of the physical address    
  294 postalCode ZIP or other postal code    
  295 country Country of the Physical address    
Email 296 electronicMailAddress Address of the electronic mailbox of the resp    
  297 CI_Contact Information required enabling contact with the    
Phone 300 phone Telephone numbers for the org/ind    
Group: Multimedia Sample 55 MD_BrowseGraphic Graphic that provides an illustration    
File 56 fileName Name of the file that contains a graphic Free Text  
URL "" "" "" "" "" "" ""  
Format 58 fileType Graphic file type of a related graphic file Free Text  
Caption         no separate caption in ISO
Description 57 fileDescription Text description of the illustration Free Text  
Keyword 60 keyword Common-use word(s) or phrase(s) used Free Text  
Keyword (no exact DIF field 61 type Method used to group similar keywords MD_Keyword Type <<Code List>> B.17.11
Access Constraints 71 accessConstraints Access constraints applied to assure priv MD_restrictions (list of valids) B.17.16
Use Constraints 72 useConstraints Use constraints to assure privacy, MD_restrictions (list of valids) B.17.16
      intellectual property    
required in bold   required in bold      
Group: Distribution 186 MD_DigitalTransferOptions Means and media by which dataset is obtained    
Distribution_Media 203 name Name of the media on which the dataset Free Text  
      can be received    
Distribution_Size 188 transferSize Estimated size of the transferred dataset > 0.0  
  47 datasetFormat Description of form of the dataset MD_format  
Distribution_Format 194 distributorFormat Provides informatin about the Format in MD_Format  
      which the dataset may be obtained    
  196?   name of the data transfer format Free Text  
  201 distributorFormat Provides information about the distri format MD_distributor  
Fees 210 fees Fees and terms for retrieving the dataset Free Text  
Group: Related URL 307 Cl_OnlineResource Information about online sources    
URL_Content_Type 309 functCode Function performed by the resource Cl_Online Function <<CodeList>>  
URL 308 linkage Method, source or location for online access URL (IETF RFC1738 IETF RFC 2056)  
Description 313 description Description of what the resource is/does Free Text  
Source Name 329 DS_Platform Vehicle/other support base holding sensor Specified Class (DS_series)  
Sensor Name 331 DS_Sensor Device or piece of equipment which Specified Class (DS_series)  
      detects and records information    
Originating Center         not in ISO
Reference 265 DataSet Citation     not in ISO
IDN Node         not in ISO

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