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Kentucky AgrAbility is pleased to celebrate over ten years of service to rural Kentuckians with disabilities. Since 1993, the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service has received funding from the US Department of Agriculture to provide education and technical assistance to agriculture operators and farm families who face the challenges of a disability. Farm families may feel that an injury or disability may make it too difficult to continue farming activities. But with our help, they can! Kentucky AgrAbility assists rural and farm families in overcoming limitations.  

Kentucky AgrAbility exists as a partnership between the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital. Please explore our pages to learn more about what we do.

NEW --- Kentucky AgrAbility receives 2004-2005 NISH National Scholar award for Workplace Innovation and Design
The Farm Equipment Modification Instruction Module received 2nd place honors from NISH. Carla Sanders, a practicum student with Kentucky AgrAbility, accepted the award at the NISH conference in New Orleans in May, 2005.

NEW --- See our feature in the USDA's video magazine It's AgrAbility!

NEW --- Check out our new brochure

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University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture

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