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Sea Surface Height Variability
July 1994

Sea Surface Variability

Eddies are swirls of water currents that are spun off from a main current or that are forced by the wind. Ocean eddies may persist from weeks to months, have diameters of tens to hundreds of kilometers and extend to great depths in the oceans. These currents play an important role in ocean circulation by transporting an enormous amount of heat -- as well as salt, nutrients and other substances -- ihn the oceans. For example, eddies carry warm water from the equator to the poles. Eddies may be thought of as oceanic "weather" and thus play a critical role in Earth's climate and biogeochemical systems.

The greatest changes in sea-surface height, over 25 centimeters (shown as white), correspond to the most rapidly rotating eddies. These occur mainly in regions where strong ocean currents are located -- including the Gulf Stream off the east coast of the United States, the Kuroshio off the coast of Japan, the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico, the East Australian Current, the Agulhas Current south of South Africa, the convergence of the Brazil Current and the Falkland Current off the central east coast of South America and the Mozambique Current between Madagascar and Africa. A chain of highs -- shown in red, yellow, and green -- can be seen north of Antarctica, along the path of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

JPL Identification #: P-44075

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